Monday, May 16, 2011

DDoouubbllee standard

Today, I posed a question on my facebook. The question, “Do Christians hold a double standard in regards to music vs. movies”. Well, here is my viewpoint. Feel free to comment on this.

One of the responses I received was, “now that’s kinda hard to answerr cuhz to me : music has a greater impact then movies ; but then again that seed they dropped in that movie can eventually grow on u”. I want to blog off of this reply mainly.

As this is an opinionated topic, I cannot say that this follower’s response is right or wrong. I choose this reply because it fits my question perfectly (double standards). In my opinion, I believe movies hold a major impact on us just as music does. Both forms of entertainment will minister to you rather it is good or bad. To me, movies are more cunning in the way that they minister. They are subtle because they are seen in a fiction perspective; i.e. we don’t see the movie as a real time & life event, but a script that is brought to life through actors/actresses. In regards to music, we tend to see the songs as real time & life events. In other words, we are quicker to believe the artist because they are not acting out a script, but they are portraying a lifestyle they live. (Of course, we know that this is a lie because they don’t really sing/rap about the truth half of the time). But many individuals do not understand that concept so when they hear a song, they receive the artists for what they say because it’s not a script and the artists does not act out albums. I hope I didn’t confuse you right there.

Anyway, back to the movie thingy. Movies really captivate the emotions of man; it pulls us in as we are entertained. Yes, I know that music does too but I think movies minister to our emotions in a broader span. Our whole beings are attentive to what is in front of us when we are watching a movie. You can listen to a song and just feel the beat and could care less about the words, but it’s hard to watch a movie and only hear the music behind it. I will be referring to movies, tv, videos, etc. as visual media from this point on. Cool? Cool.

Visual media these days carry everything that is against Holiness. Let’s just keep it 100. Marriage is not sacred anymore in visual media. Sex before marriage is part of a normal life in visual media. Murder, witchcraft, homosexuality, etc. are all elements that visual media portrays these days. So, how does that affect the Christian? Well, it depends on the Christian. If a Saint has an in depth relationship with God, more than likely conviction will present itself as the Holy Spirit tells him/her not to watch that or listen to that. If a Saint has a shallow relationship with God, chances are he/she will not hear God saying, uhn uh.. don’t watch/listen to that nor will he/she be convicted.

The devil is mad cunning. Here, I will use me for an example. I love the movie “Get Him To The Greek”… that movie is odee funny, but it is far from Godly in every aspect. Well, here is what my conversation with myself, God, and the devil went like. Let’s go..

Friend: have u seen get him to the greek? (seed planted)
Me: nah, that sounds crazy stupid!
Friend: its hella funny. Yo, u gotta watch it.
Me: neh.. (I started thinking about it).. (seed watered)……..  Time passes then I decided to go watch the trailer.
devil: you know u should watch it, its seems funny
Me: hmm, maybe i should.. I will
God: uhn uh.. that is not good.
Me: ah, it’s just a movie; it’s a comedy; I know I'm saved, God wants us to LIVE. Lol. it isn’t real, (fiction perspective I spoke of earlier).

I watched the movie.. not once, but 2 or 3, maybe 4 times. Lol, jk. I watched it 2x. Here is my point: I don’t smoke weed, but I was hype about the Jeffrey. I was endorsing that in my convos son! I don’t dig diddy, but I was feeling the part when he was talking about mind eff’n you. I didn’t go around saying it, but I definitely put it on rewind b/c it was funny to me & i couldn't say it. There is more, but the point I am making is that my Spirit was grieved. Here I am letting this nonsense come into my being and I allowed it to irritate the Holy Spirit. Not only that, I deliberately disobeyed God when He said, uhn uh.. that is not good..I don’t care if it is just a comedy. 

Here it is: ITS NOT JUST A MOVIE… EVERYTHING MINISTERS. We must be wise in what we allow into our Spirits. It is okay to watch movies and vibe to music, but when we watch & listen to media.. we must do it in obedience to God’s voice.. He says “In ALL Thy ways ACKNOWLDEGE ME and "I" WILL DIRECT your paths”. Not some of our ways, but ALL. Last point ahead…

We preach/minister often about not listening to secular music that is mad lewd and does not glorify God, but how often do we turn this on ourselves when it comes to visual media. By principle.. if we say don’t listen to Jay-Z because he dogs God or don’t listen to Nikki Minaj because she’s all about sex… then in the same sense.. we should not watch movies/television that has actors/actresses that do the same thing. If they (illuminati, the world of hip-hop these days) are glorifying something else… then why is it okay for us to watch tom cruise, seth green, angelina jolie, or will smith movies? (Dunno if will smith dropped the scientology thing). Plus, oprah and ellen when it comes to tv shows? There are sooo many more people I can name. I am in no way justifying why we should be able to listen to any and everything. I just had a thought that hit me today. Again, opinionated!

I believe that God wants us to be enlighten about everything that goes into our souls. We should be aware of what can and WILL minister to our Spirit,,, even if it’s simple entertainment. I know that some preachers minister about being careful in what we allow into our eye gate and ears. But honestly, I have not seen a great emphasis in preaching on actors/actresses in visual media as I have seen on the music industry. I wonder why that is? Could it be something that we overlook because of justification? Check this..

I had this talk with a co-worker on my break today at work and she said that “music has more options for Christians than movies”.. meaning, it’s more available. For example, when it comes to Christian music you have all types of genres and avenues: such as jazz, rap, singing, concerts, videos, etc. On the contrary, the visual media for Christian entertainment is somewhat limited. She said there are a few movies that one can watch and not many sitcoms on television that give good entertainment. (um, church sermons don’t count). I feel shorty on that because it is very true, but that does not make it okay to partake in other things that God says we should not partake in. I believe God is saying.. How willing are you to give up something that will contaminate your Spirit… even if it entertains you? God gives us things to enjoy, but we must be careful that we are not enjoying things that were not given by Him. Key words: GOD GIVES…us things to enjoy. Just a thought.

I believe we can find entertainment in things that do not glorify God and not endorse it (shalon). I believe that we can find humor in things that do not glorify God and not endorse it. The truth is there are things that will cause us to laugh even if it is not Holy. Sometimes, you just laugh because it was funny to you and there will be times when you enjoy watching athletes/artists/actors perform because they are good at what they do. You can appreciate the art of their skills. However, that does not mean I agree with who they serve. I believe if we are truly walking in God, He will let us know what we can watch and what we can listen to. Just because there is a lack of visual media for the Saints does not mean we are “justified” to watch whatever. Pick up the word and read more, become a producer and produce Christian films, become a theatre producer and make plays, create Christian video games, create your own sitcom about Godly living, etc. I hope you get the point. Maybe God is saying, “I have given you power to create because I live in you”. Create avenues that will help keep my people (through God’s Spirit) focused and uncontaminated.

Exhortation in Truth: We as Christians must understand principles. We must live by principles and not just situations. Situational living will cause us to adapt to situations as they come, but no solid foundation will remain if we don’t operate in principles. I am not saying ignore situational living because it is imperative that we change, but we must change the right things. While we change it is crucial that we understand the importance that some things need to remain constant. God knows what will cause your (His) Spirit to be irritated or grieved. Music, movies, people, etc.. should be enjoyed with the direction of the Holy Ghost. The next time I speak to someone about listening to Jay-Z, I will make sure I have this same talk with myself about what I watch. Going through the DVD collection now.. oouchh !!! ouch, because there are some movies I just don’t want to get rid of, but I must obey God even in this. As said previously.. EVERYTHING ministers. 

So, now that God is cleaning my DVD collection out just as He cleaned my music collection out… I must thank Him for bringing me into the knowledge of something so simple (to mankind). I have been putting “ME” on the altar to die and that means, more of JESUS CHRIST and less of me. I know that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out.. BUT what goes into a man can grieve the Holy Ghost. How can I minister and be effective when the very Spirit of God in me is grieved. In order to be effective in all we do, we must remove every weight that would easily beset us and every distraction that will hinder the move of God. Again, all this is my opinion of the matter. 

My last thoughts: we talk about giving up stuff for Christ, but do we honestly give up what we love? Do we TRULY know what it means to sacrifice? Do we give God an Abel sacrifice or a Cain sacrifice? Last time I checked, a sacrifice was something that was killed. There was no pleasure for the thing being sacrificed. Here’s a definition that I love.. Sacrifice_ a surrender of something for the sake of something else. My God.. That alone will make me say My God… LOL.. Are we truly killing our flesh so that we may please God in all of our ways? 

To end, do you hold a double standard when it comes to the things you enjoy.. by means of justification? - Selah


The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.