Monday, June 27, 2011

dat gay talk_ im bold wit it

I was bored so I posed a question on my FB page. I wanted to touch on the topic that a lot of Christians are afraid to address BOLDLY. What are your thoughts about homosexuality and Christianity?

With all the events that have been going on this month and the excess of pictures on my facebook feed… I have had the homosexual community on the mental. The right to marry has been passed in NY, its gay pride month, and just people I know that have decided to take on the lifestyle are the catalyst to my question. I will try to complete this in one post, but honestly.. I do not believe I will be able to. There is so much to touch on when dealing with this topic. As for now, I am going to speak on what flows from the Spirit of God.

If this blog post inspires or blesses you in some way, please feel free to join me on facebook and/or twitter. The links to my pages are on the right sidebar.

NOW: I got some responses to my post, more than I truly expected. Many where detailed with scripture and opinions. I respect each one :). I wanted to reply, but if you KNOW me you would know that I explain my points in hopes to weave out ignorance. A comment would not accommodate the depth of my explanation. Now, to get into my topic… let’s go!

Let me set this up proper. I am not here to judge anyone or say I hate people that walk contrary to God’s will. My hope is to only introduce the truth of God and allow God to do with His word as He pleases. I am not trying to force a lifestyle on anyone. Each person has the CHOICE to live his/her life the way he/she chooses. My only hope is that this blog will bring enlightenment, freedom, and healing to many lost individuals. I speak in love b/c I desire that none be deceived or lost because of ignorance. I want people to be free in God and love the joy of pleasing Him.

With that being said, I want to focus on the initial intent of my post. The intent was to: speak about the SIN of homosexuality; not bash those who are bound in it (I’ve been there).

Often we like to throw the judgment card out when “person A” speaks against a truth that “person B” believes to be true. The judgment word is used more for Christians that speak against things that are contrary to God’s word than it is for those who just disagree based upon secular principles. I am not saying that non-believers do not hear “you are judging me”, but (I believe) it is more dominant when a Christian speaks. Granted, there are some “Christians” that do judge people. I do not deny that fact. I do not approve of it. I myself had to get brought down a notch by God because I was in that category. Even to this day, there are times when God has to tell me to watch myself and check my own Spirit. I do.

Anyways, back to that lovely word_ JUDGMENT. If person A’s truth contradicts person B’s lifestyle… it is likely that person B will say, “You are judging me”. Have you ever considered that a person may not be judging you, but examining the actions that you put forth? A thought!

You know, I use to be afraid to minister in this area because I felt like my witness would be ineffective. Why is that? Because… I use to be a lesbian. Yup, yah girl chased the chick. Here’s the kicker, I did it when I was faithfully serving in church (I quickly sat myself down tho). I backslid and was doing Hodgest. During that time, I still did not justify my actions and say that it was okay. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to do what I wanted to. I began to form this “THOUGHT” that homosexuality will not affect my walk of salvation. God loves me anyway. Well, wrong answer! God still loved me, but I still was walking contrary to HIS truth. I was in danger of being turned over to a reprobate mind. I could have ended up as an apostate. You never know how far a sin can take you. That stuck with me everyday I was doing me, but I chose to ignore the truth that I knew and developed a FALSE HOPE that God would not punish me for my choice. I do not hate gay people. I loveee gay people. They are some of the nicest people you will ever meet and truth be told… many of them just love people for who they are. They are open to accept you. Of course, there are moments where some of them become mad defensive.. but that is because they have been hurt and they never got healed; who has not? I have a heart for homosexuals.. I just want them to be free and the only way to truly be free is through the truth. It is the TRUTH that makes us free. Not laws, boundless parameters, or choice.. it is simply the Truth of God.

Stay wit meh -->

In the beginning of creation, God commanded man and woman to be fruitful and multiply. A man cannot reproduce with another man and a woman cannot reproduce with another woman. In order for conception to occur, there has to be a male and female union. That is the natural order of things. If God created man to function in this sense, wouldn’t He be contradicting Himself if He allowed man to lie with man and woman to lie with woman? To say that God approves homosexuality is to say He is a lie. No matter how you want to justify it or try to make it sound less cutthroat… that is what it is. I am going to post one of my followers comment because I do not feel like typing all this out. LOL.. but she went where I was going.

QUOTE :: In Romans 1:26-27 Paul is very specific, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” In 1 Corinthians 6:9, Paul wrote, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” The Greek word from which the King James Bible gets the word “effeminate” is malakos, which literally means something soft to the touch, but is used as a negative metaphor to refer to a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man. The “abusers of themselves with mankind” are those men who engage in unnatural sexual relations with other men – homosexuals. That is also how the NASB, the NKJV, and the NIV translate that verse. Also in the New Testament is verse 7 from the book of Jude, defining exactly why Sodom and Gomorrah were punished – homosexuality.

I did not say it nor did my FB friend. That is strictly scripture and there is no need to defend it. Swallow it or throw it away. Again, it is your choice to do with God’s word what you will. Aight, next point….

Don’t stop reading … God is trying to bless some people and bring some truth to His doctrine. Next part is on LOVE.

I believe God loves the homosexual just as He loves the faithful Christian. Yes, God still loved me when I was gay. He loved me when I was in my sin. For He tells me so in His word_ While we were yet sinners… Jesus came and He died for us. So, He loved me in spite of that. However…

HOWEVER… He did not let me forget that He is also a JUST God. He DOES NOT accept our sin b/c He loves us. He punishes sin… (The WAGES of sin is death). There IS a penalty that must be paid. Yes, Jesus paid the cost for sin, but shall you continue in sin that grace may abound. GOD FORBIDS. Check out Galatians 6:7-8 :: vs. 7_ Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. -- vs. 8_ For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

See you guys, my mind was becoming twisted (PERVERTED) to the truth of God. God loves me, but there is a penalty that must be paid for my sin. People have to realize that when a REAL Christian (led by God) speaks a word about the sin in their life (bitter or sweet).. it is not to attack the person, rather it is there to confront the SIN. I’m saying this because almost every gay person I kicked it with or met would have the “love me for who I am” motto. If we discussed religion, it was attacked b/c they felt that Christians judged gay people and did not love them because of the beliefs that Christians have on homosexuality. Here is a little truth gay community... be careful that you are not judging Christians b/c that is what happens often... it is subtle and some gay people do not realize it.

Remember my initial intent of this blog? It is to speak about the SIN of homosexuality; not bash those who are bound in it. Welp, peep this -->

I am now at a place that does not like to compromise when it comes to the word of God. Black and white is my mentality. However, I am learning how to love greater, show mercy, and see grace through the eyes of God. When I asked the question, it was not to bash homosexuals. It was to hit the sin. And this is where the problem begins when correction in truth and love is brought forth. Homosexuals come off mad defensive because they have had to defend whom they are for so long (not all, but just speaking in general terms). To my gay people, let the guard down sometimes and listen in wisdom. We can all learn from someone that hates or loves us. Listen and see if the advice is really an attack against you or the act of what you are doing. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE!

I did not discuss other sins that are also contrary to God’s word b/c this is what was on my mental. TRUST ME :: I HAVE NO PROBLEM CALLING OUT OTHER SINS THAT PEOPLE WALK IN. I have no respect of persons when I speak the truth of God. Pastors, teachers, prophets, apostles, evangelists, bishops, deacons, choir directors, ushers, etc…. are NOT exempt from sinful behavior. But I am not discussing them or premarital sex, abortions, greed, whoring, etc. I have discussed that previously in other blogs or in simple ministry. So, I am putting this out there so that my FB friends will not think that I am targeting homosexuality only and that I am not a person that speaks truth in other sins. If you KNOW me… you already…

Now, back to Hodgest (me).. when I was involved with women, I had to really let go of my stubbornness and pride. I had to die to Yolanda and allow God to be who He was in me. After all, I did claim I was saved. I had to start acting like it and stop thinking it. (catch it)! You have to line up to God's word when you are truly saved. NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. So, I began to seek God and I HAD TO repent - TURN FROM WHAT I WAS DOING B/C IT WAS CONTRARY TO GOD’S WORD and He began to deal with me. Here is a snippet of what God showed me.

Yolanda, you claim that you are my daughter. In order for this to hold true, you would have had to accept my Son Jesus Christ as your Savior. It is only by Him that we can become the children of God. Now, my Son does not do anything that is contrary to my Word …. for He is the Word. He is truth b/c He corresponds to Himself. (catch it). So, for you to say that you are born again with my Son’s seed… how is it that you can justify your actions that are totally contrary to my Word. How can you continue to live in a lifestyle contrary to my word…… comfortably…. and think that my Son is in it? You are in delusion. You are not walking in my truth. You are walking in a truth that you have deemed to be true. Because my truth (Jesus, the Word) only does what my word says.

You need to repent OR I will turn you over to a reprobate mind. What is reprobate? I want to expound on this a little. Reprobate - to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil. To foreordain to damnation … to refuse to accept. Hmmm… God said he would turn me over to an evil mind; a mind that would refuse to accept His ways/truth… even, after I got saved! Ponder on that... so, I thought_ I better start walking in the truth because I cannot afford to be foreordained to damnation because I wanted to please my flesh (my body appetites, mindset, soul) and deny God.

People, God loves holiness and He loves His people but if we choose to live outside of Him… WE CHOOSE to be in danger of damnation. Quite blaming God for your choices. #getyourmindright! <--(my favorite hashtag..hehe). Anyway, did you not know that hell was not created for mankind? It was created for satan and his fallen angels because they did not want anything to do with God. It was created to send those there that did not want anything to do with Him. If we deny Him in our lives (if we are not living the life of Christ) .. Okay God,,, I'll repeat that ::: but if we deny Him in our lives (if we are not living the life of Christ).. WE CHOOSE to go there because we didn’t want to have anything to do with Him. Like, are we sooo dense as a people that we believe God will allow any and everything in Heaven? If you do not want anything to do with Him now, what makes you think your eternity will be with Him? Those are simple questions you can ponder on. Bottom line, God is a just God.. put that in your mental.

With all means_ See God as a God of love, but you better take a mental note that He is also a just God.

Almost done… \O/

I know God forgives and restores. He is full of mercy and grace; thank you Jesus. But that does not give us the permit to LIVE in sin without trying to die to it. Again, I am not saying every man is perfect, every man falls short of the Glory of God… everyday. However, the difference between those that belong to Christ is that he/she seeks to live according to God’s word and this means that he/she will let go of the things that are contrary to God’s will. That is the heart that God is after. A heart that is sensitive and responsive to HIS touch, not our own or someone else’s beliefs.. but His Spirit, His Word.

True, God sees the heart of man. There are drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals, murders, etc.. that has better relationships with God than some Christians. Salvation is worked on everyday. Note: it is not by works, but we work out our salvation through fear and trembling. I do not weave out the homosexuals, addicts, or etc. I never know what God is doing in a person. That is why I do not approach people with their sin unless God instructs me to. If God shows it to me, I will take them to the threshing floor. I will pray for their souls. Salvation is of the Lord’s, not Hodgest. Rather you are saved or not is something that you and God know. Others may get the confirmation that you are, but in the end… it is ALL God’s say so.

MY BESTIE COMMENT HIT IT BEST.. but I am not going to type all of that out. You can go read it if you desire. I am about to close this out.

Exhortation in Truth: Be careful with these words: God knows my heart. <--- That is a dangerous statement right there. Yes, God does know the heart.. God does and WE DO NOT. The heart is deceitfully wicked above all things and WHO can know it? The Lord searches the heart and reveals things to us about ourselves that we don’t even know. So, my encouragement to those reading this… seek God with ALL your heart and let Him show you what is acceptable in His sight. If the lifestyle we live is contrary to what He stands for, maybe it is safe to say that we haven’t sought Him out enough. As a living testimony, when you seek Him.. you will FIND Him… and in your finding, you will see what is not Him.

If you love someone, you desire to please them and you practically give yourself away for that person. It is the same with God… if you love Him, give yourself to Him, and please Him. Not Yolanda, not yourself, not your pastors, your family… but seek to please God. I am an EX-LESBIAN... that is NOW my pride... with humility. The truth of God has been revealed to me, not by man… but through my relationship with Him. I sought Him and He showed me my heart and He showed me who He was. I had to get rid of some things and get healed from some past hurts. I love God and now my desire is to please Him. I just want homosexuals to see God in His truth. I want fornicators, murders, gossipers, etc.. to see God in His truth. I want God’s people to be free FOR REAL.

Quick Thought: Some homosexuals believe we do not accept them because of what they do and in turn... they interpret it as: we do not accept them for who they are. Hmmm? Here is a question to the gay person: Should we accept the acts of a murderer, a molester, a rapist, abuser, and etc.? Should we accept their actions b/c that is just who they are? They too (some) argue that they were born that way and that is just who they are. NO!.. We do not have to accept the actions of these people, but we do have to love them. People must understand: Just because I disagree with your actions does not mean I hate you. I love all these people and I have to pray for them. I came from something; I was not saved all my life. I know what it is like to be in darkness and enjoy it in ignorance. But someone took the time to share the word of God with me and pray for me. In spite of what I was doing and who I was… they looked beyond that and saw my need for a Savior. They spoke truth to me and they confronted my sin. It was really bitter at first, but it is sooo sweet to me now. They loved me because they wanted to see me live beyond bondage and experience what true love is... Jesus! This is my heart’s cry for those who are lost and/or bound.
God loves His people and so do I. I love homosexuals, but I do not love their sin. I love sinners, but I do not love their sin. I love Christians, but I do not love their sin. I love me some Yolanda Hodgest, but I do not love my sin. We must not get it twisted. There is a fine line between loving a person and loving their sins. I will talk to you if you are gay and love you in spite of your choice of lifestyle. I will try to be a good associate to you, but I will not justify your choice of actions when they contradict the truth that I know. I hold this standard to myself. When I am disobedient to what God says, there is no excuse for it. It is wrong, period.

Ending: Every Saint has been brought from something and every one will have a moment of disobedience in their Christian walk. If you are saved (or not) and you need deliverance, cry out to God and ask Him to deliver you from the things that displease Him. If you are still breathing, you still have a chance to get things right. That is what Jesus came for. That is the love of God. WAKE UP CALL: Everyday is a day closer to your death. We all are going to die. How much time do you honestly think you have to get it right? I encourage you to: KNOW WHAT GOD REQUIRES OF YOU TO ENTER INTO AN ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM. Do not be ashamed of who you are, just hate the part of you that God hates or ask Him for the heart to start. I was there…. But God!! He has raised me up and placed me back into rightful standing with Him. I am cheering for you if you are ready to make salvation happen and praying for those who are in the process of deliverance and I am travailing for those who need healing. Need help, hit me up. :::: To those of you who are afraid to approach this topic… just give God’s word in love and overlook the person you are speaking to, but see the spirit you must hit. Be bold with God’s word; we cannot afford to be timid in this hour.

God will accept you as you are, even now. Just seek Him and cry out for TRUE SALVATION.

In love – Yolanda Hodgest

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.