It has been a while since I last put my thoughts in tangible form. Well, this blog will be short. I just wanted to blog a small poem about how I feel this day. It has nothing to do with Valentines Day. I don’t need a holiday day to emphasize or express my feelings. Today, it just happens to be V-Day. But to the poem, let’s go:
Oh Love_
You are like a Casablanca Lily…
Elegance to the eye, Delicate in touch
Oh how I enjoy the array of colors that twinkles from your substance…
Even in a time of darkness…
You bloom with a refined fragrance.
Oh how rare you are.
I call you beauty even though your name is …LOVE
- hodgest

That is how I feel today. Through all the things I have been through and the things I am currently dealing with, God still has allowed me to bloom. In my darkest seasons, God opens me up and releases the fragrance of His anointing that is on my life. He allows people to see my life and interact with me because there is something in me that attract them to me. They see beauty and sense a sense of freshness, but little do they know it is all brought forth at night. It is the Love of God that endures ALL things and finds a way to permeate into other people lives.
I have a new found confidence in who I am and a true perspective of what I am worth. The flower is expensive and rare; it is used for celebration. I and my life are to be celebrated, nothing less. ONLY because my life has to line up to what God has created me to be. I am not common; I know that I am very rare in form. I am Yolanda and there is only one me. My personality, my heart, my flaws, ME… are all unique qualities. And that alone is to be celebrated.
Exhortation: To the readers :: Don’t regret the dark nights and seasons you go through for God will bring you forth to a flourishing finish. Forget the people that will pass you by and not invest in your rarity and beauty. When the right people, with the right heart come along, they will see your worth and invest in you. People will pick you for who you are and not by what you can do for them. Your beauty alone will draw them. You deserve to be celebrated. Don’t settle for anything less anymore. So, today… I feel like a Casablanca Lily… secretly matured in nights, beautifully discovered in mornings. I feel ….LOVE.
The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.