The war is in the mind, but the sacrifice is in the heart. Ask me what's my greatest war & I'll tell you "my heart". I've lost very close family members, I've battled for my health & life, I've been hurt by the church mafia, and etc... But none of these things trumps the mental war I have with my heart. It has been a crazy battle to get my desires to become God's desires and it still is. It is hard to put the word on a desire that is evident in hopes to transform it into evidence that is not seen.
Here's a truth : there are things that I want that God will never agree to. Oh but wait, let me not mention the things that I have to kill that He does not want to live. Boy of boy... that is a hard sacrifice. My mind says kill it or let it go, but my heart says... do you know the suffering you will have to walk out if you do? Good thing is, my mind is not ignorant. LOL. I got the Holy Ghost spitting knowledge for every rebuttal my flesh tends to spit out. (Hmm, think Ima put that in a rap, haha).
Back to the subject at hand. The truth is, with the sacrifice or not... I will go through some kind of suffering period. It is part of life and the Christian walk. The word of God says: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us (2 Timothy 2:12). So, no matter how my heart feels... I have to remember to tell it what to do. Giving up what it wants (when it is contrary to God's will) presents a broken and contrite heart. Yolanda, that is what God will not despise (Ps. 51:17).
I think I'm going to end this blog here because I was venting to myself. LOL. I had to encourage myself in the Lord. No matter how hard the battle is, I must remember the truth_ the HolyGhost is living on the inside of me. He is my comforter. So, when I begin to feel the separation and suffering from the things I must sacrifice... He will bring forth comfort. If I just keep my mind on Jehovah, He will keep me in perfect peace through the war. And when I want to give in to the lust of my flesh (my emotions) the Holy Ghost always seems to whisper to me__"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.... To live is Christ and to die is gain Yolanda". That is a guarantee KO every friggin time. LOL, but I Thank You Heavenly Father.
Exhortation in Truth: We are quick to say, Follow your heart! I do not agree with this statement. Your heart will get you into some trouble if it is not after God. I say, sacrifice it & follow the Spirit of God. Allow God to show you your heart and what you need to follow and what you need to release. For, _The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? The heart is the place of sacrifice, the mind is the battle field that will equip you to deal with such a battle.
To end this soliloquy: The war is in the mind, but the sacrifice is in the heart. Yolanda, it really is mind over matter. Walk in the renewed part of your mind, not in the part of your heart that needs to be sacrificed. That my love is destined to be a dead thing, hence the word sacrifice. Life is in the word; it is ever so alive. #TRUTH :) ... I choose my renewed mind!
The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.