Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I Wonder...

It's a long, unedited one... Sorry, but it's been a minute since I blog'd. Enjoy & Comment.

Where to start? Ok, so… I was on FB reading my news feed and one of my friends posted a post regarding Pastor Jamal Bryant. It dealt with him taking his daughter to the Beyonce concert. Many people voiced their thoughts as comments and I wanted to respond as well. However, I am an individual that likes to talk… a lot. Well, at least when it comes to expressing my thoughts about controversial topics.  My point, I am blogging because a simple comment would not suffice my mind process. Anyways, I decided to go look on Pastor JB’s page to read the thoughts of others. I got tired of reading. LOL. This is what I gathered from the comments I read.

Some “Christians” believed that he was wrong for going because it was not the Christian thing to do. Many believed that it showed compromise and bad decision making as a renowned leader. Some of these same Christians felt as if he was in error because he went to a concert of a “satan worshipper”.. Beyonce. Sorry, I just laughed a little with that last statement. But anyways, many proclaimed Christians did not agree with the whole idea of the concert.

On the other hand, there were many “Christians” that believed there was no wrong in him attending the event with his daughter to celebrate her sweet 16. They felt that he was just being a father and spending time with his daughter. #TurnUp Pastor JB, as a poster said… Lol. But anyways, after I read as much as I could without getting tired of the nonsense, I calculated that more Christians were against his actions than those who were okay with it.

Here is my stance:

Sometimes, we as a people really do not think before we speak. We feel like we have the right to say whatever because we are saved and we have holiness printed on our lives. However, being slow to speak should be a wisdom nugget some of us Christians need to pick up. Also, in my opinion… let me restate that again: In My Opinion… there are a lot of us Christians that feel like we got the EXCLUSIVE on the Holy Ghost and the way God wants things done. My friends, that is the wrong answer; it is a dangerous thing.

Do I feel like he was wrong for going? That’s personal. Haha. I am not going to speak on that right now. I am blogging just to bring some awareness to how we sometimes speak on things not realizing we have double standards. I did a blog on this previously; feel free to read my archives. Anyways, to the meat of my blog…. My stance.

I do not know if the man of God prayed about going to the concert nor do I know if God okay’d it. I do not believe he is less of a Christian because he attended. We all fall short of the glory of God every day. NO MAN is without sin. So, if he did go and it was wrong, I wonder how many of the opposed “Christians” prayed for the man of God before they spoke on the issue. Furthermore, the word says: Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Hmm, I wonder how many of us Christians actually took that approach before we gave our thoughts?

Now, on the double standard.

I wonder how many of the same opposed Christians have watched movies that do not glorify God. I ponder on how many TV show series some of them may watch that promote everything but God. Shall I mention Scandal, Being Mary Jane, Friends, Real Housewives of wherever… I wonder how many people watch these shows that opposed his actions? I know there are a lot of actors/actresses that does not believe in God, but I wonder if we hold the same standard when it comes to what we watch in our spare time.

Ok, off TV… let’s talk about other facets of worldly entertainment. What about the MLB, NFL, NBA, MLS, etc. I wonder how many of us watch athletes that do not promote God in any way for entertainment. How many championship series or games have we watched? Ok, off that… we can transition into the medical field. How many of us take our children to see doctors that do not believe in God. Let’s be honest, there are a lot of doctors that do not believe in Jehovah. Yet, we pay co-pays & insurance to their practices to make sure our children and ourselves stay in healthy states. Why not just quote a scripture and never see a doctor? I mean, the word of God says we are healed; yet we see other people who are of this world to help aid in remedies for physical relief.

But off that… I would love to get on the stereotype subject many Christians face. FOOD. Lol. How many restaurants do we eat at that do not promote Godly things? I mean, shall all Christians avoid restaurants that are not Chic-Fil-A? What about the clothes that we wear? How many gay designer bags do some Christian women and men (eek) have in their closets. How many pair of shoes belongs to designers that do not believe in God? Who rocks that designer? I wonder if some of these opposed Christians looked at these things before they posted their thoughts.

Basically, I am just saying… it is nothing wrong to believe what you believe, but make sure you are not living in a double standard Christianity. Do not conform your convictions to your own convenience. Ask yourself, as I am asking myself… am I any different than Pastor Jamal Bryant when it comes to choosing ways to celebrate leisure time in my life? Be honest with yourself. I know for myself, I am not. I will listen to a secular song and watch a TV series that probably has nothing to do with holiness. I will let them go as God tells me to. Some things I can no longer listen to or watch because of Thus Saith The Lord. Some things He has not convicted me of yet. God knows the heart of every man and He knows how to convict His people.

Yes, I know he pastors a mega church. What does that say to his members? I don’t know. I am not under his leadership, but if I were… I would say it showed me that he understands how to live. He is a father first… not a pastor. That is the true order. I understand the conflict of us being separate from the world and not endorsing the devil, but I also understand that you have to be in it. I am not saying compromise to touch worldly people, but understand the aspects of humanity with wisdom so that you can be touched.

We all are called to represent Christ, front line or behind the scenes. Just because we do not have a mega ministry or a little popularity does not mean we should hold our standards of living righteously any different. I am saying this because I honestly wonder how many of the opposed people feel like: Man, Scandal is just a TV show; that’s different. Taco Bell is cheap and we have to eat. It’s just a Michael Kors bag. Shoot, Kevin Hart is funny. I like watching movies with Denzel Washington. What, Act Like A Lady; Think Like A Man …that’s the truth. Hangover is just crazy comedy. My point: All these things promote some form of message that is contrary to what we stand for. Adultery, Lust, Lewdness, Drunkenness, etc. are just a few to name.

So, I say… before we start bashing the man of God for an event he choose to celebrate his daughters sweet 16, make sure we are not doing the same thing in our own lives. It is the principle behind the matter, not the situation.  Yes, he could have gone to a conference or to a gospel concert… but let’s be real: there are some things to enjoy that are not all about religion. if you watched TBN or the Word Network all day for the rest of your life, mad respect to you. But that is not I and I will not do that unless God told me to.

I think if we focus on loving one another more and quit bashing each other when someone errors, we will be able to show the world what it means to be ye separate. This walk is about love, not our philosophies and vain traditions. Love the man of God. Pray for him if you feel he was in error. I wonder how many people actually lifted him up to give him a word from God and not a word from their own convictions. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE.

Edification: If we as a Body would lock in to an undying world as much as we locked into Pastor Jamal Bryant’s actions, we probably would’ve saved half of FB and twitter. Again, I wonder… I wonder how many of the ‘opposed and for’ Christians have put just as much energy into spreading the gospel to people outside of the church. How many have actually ministered to someone they do not know? Church, we have to love one another and pray for those who are in error. However, be careful that your personal convictions does not determine if someone should be on trial by their actions. Allow God to tell you in prayer when to speak on any man or woman of God and do it in order. You go to them first. He still is a man that God called and because of that, I refuse to put my mouth on him. I’ll let God do what He does best when it comes to His children… Love, correct, and uplift them.

To end: Love one another. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.