Friday, January 17, 2014

Disappointment Will Not Be My Lot!

Well, Hello There World...

It has been a long time since I graced you guys with thoughts that transpire to written words. I apologize for that. I know that I do have a select few that actually follow my blog and respond to my thoughts. I appreciate you guys and I want to thank you again for your time.

I could blog about so many events that transpired last year, but I am going to choose a different route today. I want to blog about a simple decree. This year, disappointment will not be my lot!

As most know, disappointment and discouragement becomes inevitable the moment a human inhales his/her first breath in this world. Life is full of them; they will surely acquaint themselves with mankind. Albeit this is something no person can avoid... it is not an end in itself. Well, in most cases. IMO, an individuals' perspective and course of action can help bring about great triumphs.

This is where my decree was birthed. Let's take a quick look. I will be short this time. *Inserts weird facey here* Lol... okay, let's go -->

What happens when you have stepped out on faith only to see that your expectations are no where visible? What happens when you lose more than you gain for a season? How do you continue to keep the perspective of achievement and victory when all you see is failure and loss? How do you not question God and His word? Why them and not me? What did I miss and what am I doing wrong?

All these questions became the rhythm of my song this last season. Ironically, I can still hear some of the cadences that mimic the sound of a dry background vocal with massive reverb. The good thing about that is... it is no longer the main vocal playing in my system (mental).

I know that God promises me an expected end and He wants me to prosper even as my soul prospers. My hope rests in His word. My faith and hope has been shaken greatly, but they have not been dismantled. I choose to see things differently. I choose to sing a new song. Instead of asking questions that show disbelief, discouragement, anger, disappointment, etc. as a root base, I will began to answer those same questions with decrees. Sometimes, we just got to stop questioning the process and answer it. (pun intended).

Yes, I still hear the background noise but I am changing the melody and lyrics of my song. This year, disappointment will not be my lot. I have the answers I need to help me stand on this decree. I look at how my God has proven Himself to me over my life and throughout ages. I can look at Job, Joseph, Leah (iLove Leah), Jesus, and the prophecies that are manifesting as we speak. God will restore, avenge, and give us the expected end we all hope for as children of God, #Victory. It may not come in the form that my human mental has transpired it to be, but it will definitely come in the form that God has designed it to be.

Edification: There are times when we will question God about what is going on in our lives. We may feel justified in asking because sometimes we follow the voice of God and it "APPEARS" as if it led us into the wrong direction. But, keep in mind that God drove Jesus into the wilderness. He led Abraham to Mount Moriah to sacrifice Isaac only to provide a ram in the bush. My point: TEST (Read Deuteronomy 8:2). Many will say, "Don't question God", but personally, I do not think it is wrong to ask questions because the effect of that could be answers. As your relationship develops with God and maturity takes its place, the questions we ask are more careful. I believe we start trusting more and decreeing. 

If you do not understand your current season and you are tired of hearing "Your blessing is around the corner" ... and it has not presented itself in years, LOL.. continue to hope in God no matter what. Faint not. Do not let our expectations on what we should have in life dismantle the faith of God in your life. He knows what is best for us and He will NOT withhold any good thing to them that walk upright before Him. Begin to create a new song of answers and not fear rooted questions. I am not saying it will be easy, but it is possible if you THINK correctly. Paradigm shift yourself into a new melody.

To End: This year, disappointment will not be my lot. A decree that can start the chorus of a new song.

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.