this post deals with 2011 and the transition into 2012. i know this may seem as if… im into the new years hype stuff, but im really not... so, give this post a chance before you leave the page. i want to touch on 11 things to reflect upon from the year 2011. cliché huh?, haha. anyways_ let's go-->
over the calendar year of 2011, i have heard: praises, murmurs, complaints, convictions, and exhortations about life. many that have come from myself, those in my inner circle, colleagues, and everyday people that i just happen to converse with. in thorough conversation and moderate conversation_ i have found that many of us FORGET the blessings that we are given EVERYDAY and we REMEMBER the hardships and pains we had to endure throughout the course of the year.
often, we complain about how hard life is and what has happened in our lives. we feel like we are the only ones that are going through seasons of endurance, hurt, persecution, abandonment, rejection, and so the like. if not careful, one will fall into a self-pity mode or the "victim" mode. for instance: my job doesn't pay me enough (at least you have a job), my kids don't respect me (at least they are not dead), my church family is against me (at least you are saved), my friends betrayed me (thank God for revealing who is truly for you), why am i the only one who gets done wrong (might i mention Jesus_ who was the ONLY blameless one and He was done wrong), and etc.
though these things may be so, i am reminded that God says think on things that are true, honest, pure, lovely, just, of good report.. if there be any virtue or praise.. think on “these” things (paraphrased Philippians 4:8). why do we soooooo focus on the things that will hinder praise; things that we can't give a praise report on. if victory is in your praise, then why keep thinking on things that will not bring forth praise. you have to choose what you will think on.
life is hard for everyone. i truly believe we don’t grasp that because we feel like we are the only ones that go through the pains of life. NO.... everyone has to walk out life. PERIOD. saved or not, people have to walk out life and that is not easy for anyone. everyone has been hurt at some point, lied on, rejected, misused, mistreated, disrespected, etc. (all common denominators for all humankind) _life!
but let's get into my 11 suggestions of reflection-->
Number 1: it’s so basic: Reflect Upon God’s Love. (John 3:16_ for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…). God loved us first, we did not love Him first. He sacrificed His only Son for a people that did not choose Him first. (1 John 4: 9-10_In this... the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this... is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.). He made a way for us to be saved so that we can escape an eternity of damnation. He loved us for us.
i know some people felt unloved and felt as if no one cared about them in this past year (and previous years), but you cant forget that God loves you without conditions. while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us. people can put conditions on love and this will hurt you if you don’t measure up to their expected conditions. even if you feel like no one cares and you are alone, you must remember that God is always there and He loves us unconditionally. BUT don’t get it twisted, God does not love our sin(s), but He loves us. He is willing to accept a sinner and a backslider with repentance. He opens His arms and welcomes us home. He heals our emotions and provides comfort when we have lost things. in spite of ourselves and shortcomings, He loves us enough to give us a new mercy every morning we wake up. this leads me to #2.
Number 2: Reflect Upon The Mercies of God. (Lamentations 3:22-23_ it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. they are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.) that alone is something to be grateful for. it is a new day and you are alive. you have another opportunity to make better... certain things in your life. for those of you who do not know Jesus as your Lord & Savior, you have the chance to accept Him before it is too late. today is another mercy to get your life right! to those who are saved and may be off course, you have another day to get back in right standing if you have backslidden. and to those of you who are in right standing, you have another day to bless God and bring someone else into the family. bottom line: God didn’t call you home in 2011. you are still here to experience another day of life. you did not and you do not… have to die miserable or hopeless. 2011 may have brought serious attacks in your emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical life… but God has kept you breathing and the enemy did not take you out. #mercies.
Number 3: Reflect Upon God’s Forgiveness. now, you know that you did not do everything that God required of you this past year. shoot, i know that i did not. if you have had to repent for anything, you fit in this category. God is awesome b/c He will forgive us our sins.
(generally speaking): there are times when we complain about our lives, we have moments of unforgiveness, we lie, we do not pay our tithes, we commit sins of omission and commission, we gossip, we over eat, we hate, we walk in division, etc…and we can confess our sins and God forgives us for those sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) .. yet, we find ways to complain about how people unjustly offend us, hurt us, steal from us, use us, and etc. if you truly think about God’s forgiveness for YOU.. i guarantee you that.. you will see that 2011 was not as bad as you thought it was when it comes to people and the process of your Christian or life walk. God does not change like people, He remains the same and He is faithful to forgive. OH, how awesome it is to reflect upon God’s forgiveness. #WeMustForgive!
Number 4: (Deuteronomy 7:9_ Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands). Reflect Upon God’s Faithfulness. even when we are not faithful in our service unto Him, He still remains faithful. He’s a covenant God. (Gosh, i luff that). He still will perform His word concerning us. Isaiah 46:11 states (paraphrased): what God has said, that He will bring about and what He has planned, He will do it.
know ye not that no man is perfect in his service unto God. we all fall short of His glory everyday. throughout our lives, we have seen man fail us in some way. im almost sure that it will happen again. man has disappointed us and im almost sure it will happen again. friends and families have discouraged us.. those that we trust and expect to be faithful to us. but if we “ourselves” have been unfaithful to God in some areas (prayer, word study, answering the call, witnessing, speaking a word, obedience, etc.) then how much more should we expect another “human” to be 100% perfect in this area. we have to see 2011 as a year that God was faithful to us in lieu of man.
Number 5: self-examination is critical. Reflect Upon Your Yourself. why do we always see when everyone else is doing wrong? how often do we check ourselves with no justifications? it is always good to see you. see if you were your issue for 2011 or someone else’s issue. what did you do for others? did you offend others? did you settle offenses? did you sow seeds? did you rob God by not paying tithes? are you in your situation because of the choices you made? are you not further in life because of laziness and/or fear? did you do what God told you to do? are you where God told you to be? do you show forth Godly love in abundance? have you won a soul…. at all…. for Christ? what could you have done better to avoid repetitive failures? a lot to think about huh? lastly, but not limited to, do you whole heartily serve God with your lifestyle? think pon’ dat!
Number 6: Reflect Upon Happy Moments. (Prov 17:22_ a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength). think about the times you laughed. think on the things that made you feel grand and loved. think about how you made someone else’s day or how you brought a smile forth in dark situations and others were strengthened or encouraged. be happy... just smile and be merry as the ball drops at midnight into 2012.
Number 7: to those that have lost loved ones (im included).. Reflect Upon The Ability To Have Memories. some parents do not have the opportunity to have a memory of their child(ren) because they miscarried, aborted, or had a stillborn. some people can’t even get pregnant. some children are orphans and will never know who their parents or siblings are (to those who have lost parents). some people never had a holiday with family members. some of you have had the ability to see your children grow or have had conversations with your parents. some spouses have had the ability to know what it feels like to be loved by your spiritual mate or to even have a child by him/her (talking deceased spouses that had kids). i know lost is crucial and it is something that is hard to deal with at times, but reflect upon the memories and thank God you were able to create them because some people never came and will never come across that opportunity. in all things, you can be grateful. choose to think on the good report.
Number 8: Reflect Upon The Pace Of Time. time is ever so passing away. often, we believe that we have time to make changes in our lives and "get it right" with God. Jesus is coming back. to many, this may be mad cliché…but to the elect, we know that is is not. no man knows the day or the hour that our Lord Savior Jesus Christ will appear. (Mark 13:32_ no one knows when that day or hour will come. even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. ONLY the Father knows). there has been many false prophets and prophecies proclaiming the day of the Lord will be on certain dates, let’s not forget the whole may 21st false prophecy of 2011.
my point is simple, the time is NOW to get your life right… another day is not promised to any of us. many of us don't believe that God can take His breath tonight or tomorrow. it's like we ignorantly think we control the breath of God in us. that is scary! many of us do not fear God because we live like "God will not call me yet". young people are dying everyday just as quick as elder people.. if not quicker. age has nothing to do with death. God controls His breath. time is relevant. everyday we wake up, we are a day closer to our death/rapture (whatever day God calls).. that is truth. Fulfill purpose and do what it is you were created to do. (John 9:4_ We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work).
Number 9: Reflect Upon Someone Else’s Blessings. rejoice with those that are blessed. thank God that He blessed someone else. bless God for giving someone salvation or a breakthrough. thank Him for giving someone a family, food, or shelter, etc. bless Him for marriages, graduations, new businesses, etc. appreciate Him for using His Saints to heal people, perform miracles, speak His word, sing, dance, & etc.
don't get caught up on you all the time. that is so selfish. i do not like it when people always make the situation at hand about them. ugh! lol.. you got issues if you can't rejoice or celebrate with others because you are so focused on your trials or problems. mahn, #GitOuttaHea wit dat nonsense. _bless God for someone else's blessing(s). rejoice with others just as you would like others to be happy and rejoice with you.
don't get caught up on you all the time. that is so selfish. i do not like it when people always make the situation at hand about them. ugh! lol.. you got issues if you can't rejoice or celebrate with others because you are so focused on your trials or problems. mahn, #GitOuttaHea wit dat nonsense. _bless God for someone else's blessing(s). rejoice with others just as you would like others to be happy and rejoice with you.
Number 10: Reflect Upon Your God. who do you serve? the God i serve is Jehovah, the I AM. just to think about Him being my God is awesome. i could be serving some false god with no power or promise of salvation. i could be an atheist. i could be unprotected because the blood covers God’s children. man, so much to think about when i start thinking about my God. He kept me in 2011, He provided for me, He opened up doors for me, He elevated me, He revealed more of Himself to me, He taught me, He led me, He is a covenant God, His thoughts towards me are good and not evil, He perfects the very things that concern me, He loves me, He proves Himself strong on my behalf, He is peace, He is my strength, His grace is sufficient, He got a place prepared for me, He's coming back for me, He …
Number 11: follow me on facebook or go to my youtube channel to see this main point. i did a video blog on: Why change has not transpired in many people lives. my FB and Youtube links are on right sidebar-->. #follow&subscribe | here's the link:
The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.