Friday, August 19, 2011


Hey Body! Here’s a quickie :)

When "complete" deliverance and/or healing takes place, you will definitely KNOW it. August 16th was a day of completion and knowing for me. I have been dealing with some issues for some years now, but I know that the 16th was my day for completion. God did it so quick; I thought He would never do it to be honest. Therefore, it was quick to me even though I’ve been dealing with this issue for about 7 yrs. God I love You and Marlene… thank you for your obedience and heart.

I was going strong til’ that awkward moment, “Where in the world did that come from… I thought I was over that thing” popped up. Have you ever been there? Well, we can give kudos to our lovely Heavenly Father for those precious moments. God will cause issues to surface that you thought you were freed from just to reveal to you that you truly never let them go. To me, that is awesome because that means He is purifying my soul.

As believers, we have mastered the art of bringing our issues under subjection through acts of discipline. Did you know that a disciplined issue is still an issue? Wow, that is powerful to me. I’m going to sow a seed on that revelation. LOL. Nah, but fah reallie_ discipline is needed (in the deliverance process), but we must not consider it as the final end. We must learn to master the art of giving the issue to God to where it has no part or root in us at all. That my friend is complete deliverance. Here’s a freebie: Subjection is not needed for something that does not have the ability to control. (Think pon’ it)

When God allows these things to surface, just know He is saying, "you have not given it ALL to Me”. I desire for you to be free in ALL things. As for me, my soul got tired of the warfare & dealing with issues that I thought I let go. I got tired of disciplining the issues and trying to keep the issues under subjection, I needed true deliverance. I hated how some things had control over me because I did not want to release them. I recently came to the point of saying: God, You can have this thing. I’m tired of dealing with it. I give it all over to You. However you want to do it, just do it. I do not want this to be something I hold on to for the rest of my life. I give up; I’m tired of fighting You and I let go for real.

Yes, I lost a big part of me and it did not feel too good, but I am honestly okay with that now. Don't let the enemy make you think that losing a part of you is a bad thing because that is what we are aiming for as Christians _to die to ourselves & live the Holy life of Jesus Christ. Man and Woman of God: Count it ALL gain as you die for that is when you will truly live.

My life is now beginning because I am now living. Now, I can say with NOW faith: my latter shall be greater than my past. God will restore what I have lost with something greater. [Complete healing (physically, emotionally, mentally) :: An awesome man of God (my husband) who loves, desires, and respects me with no reservations... he treats me like the woman of God I am :: Overflow in my finances (this is blowing my mind even now) :: Visions for my life that are made manifest and run in full operation :: Basically_ the best is yet to come for me.]

Personal Tip: Thank You God for loving me enough to perfect every single thing that concerns me. I give You glory & You alone for what has taken place in my life. I choose to put no one or anything before You. You are my obligation and You are my God. I refuse to be that in someone else’s life and let them be that in my life.

Exhortation in Truth: Become a master in letting things go. Sometimes we hold on to things that will never profit us anything. Un-forgiveness is one of the biggest things we harbor. Why keep holding on to past things that are not happening now? It’s over, it happened… you cannot go change that moment in time. I know you may want someone to recognize what they did or feel the hurt they caused you. You may keep punishing yourself for what you did to someone or yourself. HELLO! You cannot move forward with in life if you are still in the past. That is a form of bondage. Release/forgive people and be healed. Also, dead relationships are just that, dead. Why do we keep holding on to them when they are not profiting us anything.

I hope we get this: Aged journal issues = bondage. God desires us to be free. Why do we think He will not make good of the things we let go? He will avenge and vindicate us. We must get our minds right and see the truth in what the enemy has distorted. Sometimes you have to release yourself. This was huge for me. God forgave me and I refuse to continue to let myself and others hold me bound to what I did in my past. I repented, apologized, and the now… is what I am living in.

Sometimes we hold on to people that has let us go a long time ago. Wake up call: Why should you be the only one holding on? You are in a relationship by yourself. (Yeah, that’s mad stupid, #imjustsaying_ I been there). I’ve learned a lot about people who really care to be in your life with my best friend and sisters. There are times we almost had each others hats, but in the end… we were determined to maintain our relationship. The BFF is like my sister from the same mother and father, but shorter. LOL. Jk big head, but my point is this _people who want to be in your life will be. That is simple wisdom.

Your past should be a testimony in your present & future life. It should not be your present or future life. HERE THIS: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH GOD. I did not think I could ever be free from some things, but God.. IS ABLE. We just have to let things go and trust in Him! As a reward, we experience freedom, rest for our weary souls, & life inevitable. I love you guys. Below is a video I did last year when I was dealing with some emotional issues. It's a freestyle from the heart joint. Enjoy!

1God-Luff.. 1Faith

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome. We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating.

1 comment:

  1. Hey how are you just join your blog! Looking forward to this great move that you are going to take us on. I have a blog of my own please go check it out God Bless you in Jesus Name
