Saturday, March 26, 2011

Queen B :: Not Type Nice

bitch; a word that is used by many individuals (mainly women) to denote an idea of value. in regards to the opposite sex (men) many use the term to express disrespect and/or trophy possession. it is often used as a term of pride and exhortation. however, i differ in perception. based upon my findings, the word bitch has no positive perspective for the human race.

you know, the joy of having your own blog is that you can do and write whatever you want. i shall exercise my freedom to express my thoughts on this term, bitch. now, i am not going to bleep (%&*#@) the word because either way it goes.. i will still be referencing the word. i may use b or beesh at times… but anyway, you get my point. know this, yes i am saved and i am not taking this as an opportunity to curse. trust, i can do that without writing a blog. however, let me advise you that i do not curse... anymore. the term will be used as literature and explanation only. read this one at a slow pace. let’s get into it…

according to sources, dictionaries, the term bitch is defined as follow:

1. a female dog: a female of canines generally.
2. in regards to slang: a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially a woman.
3. a lewd woman or immoral woman
4. something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, unpleasant

purpose: bring awareness to what we speak over our lives. enlighten individuals to renew their mind with the mind of Christ. challenge men and women to respond to the humble call (making oneself of nothing as Christ did).

bring awareness to what we speak over our lives.
proverbs 18:21_ death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]. to make it simpler: words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose. the tongue of man is always ready to set the course of life; it is the pen of a ready writer. (james 3:6 / ps. 45:1) the word of God also lets us know that we can decree a thing and it shall be established (job 22:28). often, we speak things about ourselves that become established and we do not know that our mouths are the root source behind it. let’s take the bitch (b) word into play now.

if you call yourself the queen b, bottom b, top notch b, bad b, that b, or whatever type of b you want to be, then you have to realize that you are speaking immorality over your life. per definition, you are saying: i am the queen of being a lewd woman, a selfish woman, a woman that is unpleasant, a person that has no morals because.. i am a b. now some will argue that the motive behind it is to enforce the value of something grand and good. but realize that the enemy (satan) has many tricks to keep people from knowing the truth. the initial and true meaning behind the word has no positive connotation. so, when it is spoken what makes you believe that the enemy is ignoring its true meaning and not using your words against you because of your motive solely? like really ponder on that.

we are so perverted in this day and age in that we have taken truth and diluted it to where it is conformed to what we want to call truth. basically, a lot of individuals are living in a state of delusion because they have no foundation of what is AUTHENTIC truth. this is why we must be transformed by the renewing of our minds. it is important that we have the mind of Christ and not the mind of this world. it is important because it will keep us from being spoiled by world clichés and man-made philosophies. i’m going to put a sentence/scenario out here and you tell me if it is Christlike. picture Jesus saying this :: queen esther, my persian queen that interceded to save the jews. i am pleased… you know, you are one bad bitch. now, fah reallie… does that sound like something Jesus would say? if it does, you may want to renew your mind a little bit more and get closer to Him. but my point is this: we must let our conversation be like that of Christ. we cannot let the enemy fool us. the world says, "bitch is just a word".. but God never called us that. so, when we speak it we are calling ourselves everything but a child of God, literally. we have to be aware of what we are speaking over our lives because the enemy can deceive us into thinking that it’s just a simple phrase and there is no harm behind it. therefore, as we speak ignorantly we set ourselves up for destruction and we create this path of life that traps our character and actions in a place that is outside of the will of God... all because we simply spoke something over our lives in ignorance. you know... sometimes its just good to (wait for it......   SHUT UP) lol, quit talking so much because we can ignorantly speak things over our lives.. i'm just saying. moving....

if a man or another female walked up to you and just called you a beesh, there should be no point of offense if you are using the term to explain your grandness. but let’s keep it 100. offense will be taken because you know the person saying it meant it as an insult. but you should feel awesome when a dude/female call you this if you boasting in the title. but if you do get offended, then it is safe to say that you do realize the negative aspect of the term. let’s be real..

on another tip, do you ever wonder why men or women don’t respect you? maybe because they see you as a b. after all, you are speaking that over your life and that is what you are causing yourself to line up to be. your actions become what you think and speak. people will see you how you view yourself. how you see yourself is how you will portray yourself. would you agree with this -->unpleasant men and women do not get respect easily. objectionable people seem to find drama and confrontation all the time. lewd people do not carry the image of being a good man or woman. they are seen as someone who is just out of control and have no self-respect. i'm just elaborating on the definition. earlier i said that some men consider it as a trophy possession. you ever wonder why they just hit it and don't marry it? its because you just a trophy ma'. the wife is the treasure, not the trophy. take the time to really think about how people see you (men and women). has the term bitch planted some seeds in your life that needs to be uprooted? Keep it 100. freedom is in the truth.

quick point: bitch also means_ a female dog. in a world of common sense, one would know that a human being is not a female canine. however, let’s play with that definition a little. dogs… a creature that will hump anything & eat almost anything. lets look at the depiction of a dog in scripture. as a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. hmmm?..  my point: you can be the top b that continues in foolishness and never experience new life because you choose to continue to go back to your old man, the disgusting part of you. i'm saying this because some may feel like they want to negate the other definitions and stick to the canine part. well, you know what a dog does, but you choose if you still want to be considered a beesh. i’m done with this part. let’s move…

enlighten individuals to renew their mind with the mind of Christ
romans 12:2_ do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].

renewing the mind must happen by learning the Word of God. we begin to become more Christ minded and shed off the customs of our former minds (worldly thinking). if God created us in His image, then why do we allow ourselves to be conformed to the total opposite? it is simple, we have no mindset that shows us our true value... when... our minds are data linked with the world system. we grow up and we are educated on a world system and that is fine because we have to learn how to live in the world. the problem comes when we become saved. we have to deprogram our lives and perceptions to what Christ deems as true and not be of the world. if old things are passed away and all things that are become new (2 cor 5:17), every part of our being must begin to change.

a renewed mind will begin to hate the things of the world. it will find no pleasure in lewdness nor make it to be something good. it will see it for what it is and that is where we must navigate our minds to as Saints of God. we must see unholiness as unholiness and holiness as holiness. we must see ourselves as God sees us and not devalue ourselves through worldly customs. so, if God created you in His image and you are calling yourself a bitch, then you are degrading the value of His essence. we worship and praise God with who we are (our lives, which is His Son... spirit & truth). what better way to bless Him by showing forth praises of splendor vs. words of defamation to His essence. challenge: start calling yourself a man of God or woman of God. a man of valor or a woman of virtue. know who He is in you.. this leads me to my next point_ let’s flow…

challenge men and women to respond to the humble call...
yeah, we are made in God's image, but don’t get all big headed about our stance with God. we are to make ourselves as nothing just as Jesus Christ did (phil. 2. read all of it.. it’s a good read). a lot of men and women call themselves bitches because they feel like it’s an honorable title. as a result, it is used as a form of pride, cockiness, or boastful characterization. hmmph, wrong answer! lol.

check this_ for by the grace (unmerited favor of God) given to me i warn everyone among you not to estimate and think of himself more highly than he ought [not to have an exaggerated opinion of his own importance], but to rate his ability with sober judgment, each according to the degree of faith apportioned by God to him (romans 12:3, amplified). some of us think we are God's gift to mankind, but this is a heresy against Jesus Christ (the Word) as He is the true gift to mankind. know ye not that our righteousness is as filthy rags? that there is no good thing that dwells in us? that the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things? we all were born into sin and shapen into iniquity. but we have the ability to take on Jesus’ righteousness, goodness, and a new heart because of the blood of Jesus. so don’t get it twisted, we ALL are nothing without Him. and if He is in you, then you will KNOW that humility is inevitable as His child. now, if you still want to be the top b or the baddest b: think about this while you claiming that title_ pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. how about we start boasting in God and declaring Him great like we do ourselves?!

exhortation in truth:  it’s time out for compromise. God instructs us to be separate from the world. we do not need to be blending in with the world if we claim to be men and women of God! why do we have such a low standard in the Christian lifestyle? it is time to up our game and quit justifying our fleshy ways. 

DIE !!!!!!!!!!    there is no other way.       

why would you want to be the bottom bitch instead of the wife? why would you want to be the top bitch instead of a humble woman? for men, why would you want to be a bitch instead of a man of God? (i did not hit that subject because my primary audience was for women). why call other women bitches (lewd and immoral) when you are a Saint? you are declaring that over their lives. should we not be praying for them? where do you really stand with God? can you honestly say that you are His representation?

all i am saying is, we have to look like Christ as Saints. women, it is not okay to be classified as a bitch; especially if you are calling yourselves women of God. drop the queen b title and pick up the virtuous woman title. renew your minds and discover your true value as women. tired of no good men? here’s a lil help_ husbands do not want bitches for wives, they want women for wives (well, most of them). want to be seen as a woman and not the “b”… make a change by dropping the word and the lifestyle that comes with it. bottom line….. get like Christ; renew the carnal mind.

1God-1Luff- 1Faith

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.


  1. So true and so deep! Opened my eyes wider to something I know but don't neccessarily follow all the time. We as women especally black women have been fooled. This is something we all needed to hear. Big ups for this

  2. bless God that you got something from it. hope other women and men will be enlightened as well. thanks for reading it... long.. i know.. lol
