Saturday, December 31, 2011

20..11 Reflections

Hello followers and viewers! Yes, hello world...

this post deals with 2011 and the transition into 2012. i know this may seem as if… im into the new years hype stuff, but im really not... so, give this post a chance before you leave the page. i want to touch on 11 things to reflect upon from the year 2011. cliché huh?, haha. anyways_ let's go-->

over the calendar year of 2011, i have heard: praises, murmurs, complaints, convictions, and exhortations about life. many that have come from myself, those in my inner circle, colleagues, and everyday people that i just happen to converse with. in thorough conversation and moderate conversation_ i have found that many of us FORGET the blessings that we are given EVERYDAY and we REMEMBER the hardships and pains we had to endure throughout the course of the year.

often, we complain about how hard life is and what has happened in our lives. we feel like we are the only ones that are going through seasons of endurance, hurt, persecution, abandonment, rejection, and so the like. if not careful, one will fall into a self-pity mode or the "victim" mode. for instance: my job doesn't pay me enough (at least you have a job), my kids don't respect me (at least they are not dead), my church family is against me (at least you are saved), my friends betrayed me (thank God for revealing who is truly for you), why am i the only one who gets done wrong (might i mention Jesus_ who was the ONLY blameless one and He was done wrong), and etc. 

though these things may be so, i am reminded that God says think on things that are true, honest, pure, lovely, just, of good report.. if there be any virtue or praise.. think on “these” things (paraphrased Philippians 4:8). why do we soooooo focus on the things that will hinder praise; things that we can't give a praise report on. if victory is in your praise, then why keep thinking on things that will not bring forth praise. you have to choose what you will think on.

life is hard for everyone. i truly believe we don’t grasp that because we feel like we are the only ones that go through the pains of life. NO.... everyone has to walk out life. PERIOD. saved or not, people have to walk out life and that is not easy for anyone. everyone has been hurt at some point, lied on, rejected, misused, mistreated, disrespected, etc. (all common denominators for all humankind) _life!

but let's get into my 11 suggestions of reflection-->

Number 1: it’s so basic: Reflect Upon God’s Love. (John 3:16_ for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…). God loved us first, we did not love Him first. He sacrificed His only Son for a people that did not choose Him first. (1 John 4: 9-10_In this... the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this... is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.). He made a way for us to be saved so that we can escape an eternity of damnation. He loved us for us.

i know some people felt unloved and felt as if no one cared about them in this past year (and previous years), but you cant forget that God loves you without conditions. while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us. people can put conditions on love and this will hurt you if you don’t measure up to their expected conditions. even if you feel like no one cares and you are alone, you must remember that God is always there and He loves us unconditionally. BUT don’t get it twisted, God does not love our sin(s), but He loves us. He is willing to accept a sinner and a backslider with repentance. He opens His arms and welcomes us home. He heals our emotions and provides comfort when we have lost things. in spite of ourselves and shortcomings, He loves us enough to give us a new mercy every morning we wake up. this leads me to #2.

Number 2: Reflect Upon The Mercies of God. (Lamentations 3:22-23_ it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. they are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.) that alone is something to be grateful for. it is a new day and you are alive. you have another opportunity to make better... certain things in your life. for those of you who do not know Jesus as your Lord & Savior, you have the chance to accept Him before it is too late. today is another mercy to get your life right! to those who are saved and may be off course, you have another day to get back in right standing if you have backslidden. and to those of you who are in right standing, you have another day to bless God and bring someone else into the family. bottom line: God didn’t call you home in 2011. you are still here to experience another day of life. you did not and you do not… have to die miserable or hopeless. 2011 may have brought serious attacks in your emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical life… but God has kept you breathing and the enemy did not take you out. #mercies.

Number 3: Reflect Upon God’s Forgiveness. now, you know that you did not do everything that God required of you this past year. shoot, i know that i did not. if you have had to repent for anything, you fit in this category. God is awesome b/c He will forgive us our sins.

(generally speaking): there are times when we complain about our lives, we have moments of unforgiveness, we lie, we do not pay our tithes, we commit sins of omission and commission, we gossip, we over eat, we hate, we walk in division, etc…and we can confess our sins and God forgives us for those sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) .. yet, we find ways to complain about how people unjustly offend us, hurt us, steal from us, use us, and etc. if you truly think about God’s forgiveness for YOU.. i guarantee you that.. you will see that 2011 was not as bad as you thought it was when it comes to people and the process of your Christian or life walk. God does not change like people, He remains the same and He is faithful to forgive. OH, how awesome it is to reflect upon God’s forgiveness. #WeMustForgive!

Number 4: (Deuteronomy 7:9_ Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands). Reflect Upon God’s Faithfulness. even when we are not faithful in our service unto Him, He still remains faithful. He’s a covenant God. (Gosh, i luff that). He still will perform His word concerning us. Isaiah 46:11 states (paraphrased): what God has said, that He will bring about and what He has planned, He will do it. 
know ye not that no man is perfect in his service unto God. we all fall short of His glory everyday. throughout our lives, we have seen man fail us in some way. im almost sure that it will happen again. man has disappointed us and im almost sure it will happen again. friends and families have discouraged us.. those that we trust and expect to be faithful to us. but if we “ourselves” have been unfaithful to God in some areas (prayer, word study, answering the call, witnessing, speaking a word, obedience, etc.) then how much more should we expect another “human” to be 100% perfect in this area. we have to see 2011 as a year that God was faithful to us in lieu of man.
Number 5: self-examination is critical. Reflect Upon Your Yourself. why do we always see when everyone else is doing wrong? how often do we check ourselves with no justifications? it is always good to see you. see if you were your issue for 2011 or someone else’s issue. what did you do for others? did you offend others? did you settle offenses? did you sow seeds? did you rob God by not paying tithes? are you in your situation because of the choices you made? are you not further in life because of laziness and/or fear? did you do what God told you to do? are you where God told you to be? do you show forth Godly love in abundance? have you won a soul…. at all…. for Christ? what could you have done better to avoid repetitive failures? a lot to think about huh? lastly, but not limited to, do you whole heartily serve God with your lifestyle? think pon’ dat!
Number 6: Reflect Upon Happy Moments. (Prov 17:22_ a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength). think about the times you laughed. think on the things that made you feel grand and loved. think about how you made someone else’s day or how you brought a smile forth in dark situations and others were strengthened or encouraged. be happy... just smile and be merry as the ball drops at midnight into 2012.
Number 7: to those that have lost loved ones (im included).. Reflect Upon The Ability To Have Memories. some parents do not have the opportunity to have a memory of their child(ren) because they miscarried, aborted, or had a stillborn. some people can’t even get pregnant. some children are orphans and will never know who their parents or siblings are (to those who have lost parents). some people never had a holiday with family members. some of you have had the ability to see your children grow or have had conversations with your parents. some spouses have had the ability to know what it feels like to be loved by your spiritual mate or to even have a child by him/her (talking deceased spouses that had kids). i know lost is crucial and it is something that is hard to deal with at times, but reflect upon the memories and thank God you were able to create them because some people never came and will never come across that opportunity. in all things, you can be grateful. choose to think on the good report.
Number 8: Reflect Upon The Pace Of Time. time is ever so passing away. often, we believe that we have time to make changes in our lives and "get it right" with God. Jesus is coming back. to many, this may be mad cliché…but to the elect, we know that is is not. no man knows the day or the hour that our Lord Savior Jesus Christ will appear. (Mark 13:32_ no one knows when that day or hour will come. even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. ONLY the Father knows). there has been many false prophets and prophecies proclaiming the day of the Lord will be on certain dates, let’s not forget the whole may 21st false prophecy of 2011.
my point is simple, the time is NOW to get your life right… another day is not promised to any of us. many of us don't believe that God can take His breath tonight or tomorrow. it's like we ignorantly think we control the breath of God in us. that is scary! many of us do not fear God because we live like "God will not call me yet". young people are dying everyday just as quick as elder people.. if not quicker. age has nothing to do with death. God controls His breath.  time is relevant. everyday we wake up, we are a day closer to our death/rapture (whatever day God calls).. that is truth. Fulfill purpose and do what it is you were created to do. (John 9:4_ We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work).
Number 9: Reflect Upon Someone Else’s Blessings. rejoice with those that are blessed. thank God that He blessed someone else. bless God for giving someone salvation or a breakthrough. thank Him for giving someone a family, food, or shelter, etc. bless Him for marriages, graduations, new businesses, etc. appreciate Him for using His Saints to heal people, perform miracles, speak His word, sing, dance, & etc. 

don't get caught up on you all the time. that is so selfish. i do not like it when people always make the situation at hand about them. ugh! lol.. you got issues if you can't rejoice or celebrate with others because you are so focused on your trials or problems. mahn, #GitOuttaHea wit dat nonsense. _bless God for someone else's blessing(s). rejoice with others just as you would like others to be happy and rejoice with you.
Number 10: Reflect Upon Your God. who do you serve? the God i serve is Jehovah, the I AM. just to think about Him being my God is awesome. i could be serving some false god with no power or promise of salvation. i could be an atheist. i could be unprotected because the blood covers God’s children. man, so much to think about when i start thinking about my God. He kept me in 2011, He provided for me, He opened up doors for me, He elevated me, He revealed more of Himself to me, He taught me, He led me, He is a covenant God, His thoughts towards me are good and not evil, He perfects the very things that concern me, He loves me, He proves Himself strong on my behalf, He is peace, He is my strength, His grace is sufficient, He got a place prepared for me, He's coming back for me, He …
Number 11: follow me on facebook or go to my youtube channel to see this main point. i did a video blog on: Why change has not transpired in many people lives. my FB and Youtube links are on right sidebar-->. #follow&subscribe | here's the link:
The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Hey Body! Here’s a quickie :)

When "complete" deliverance and/or healing takes place, you will definitely KNOW it. August 16th was a day of completion and knowing for me. I have been dealing with some issues for some years now, but I know that the 16th was my day for completion. God did it so quick; I thought He would never do it to be honest. Therefore, it was quick to me even though I’ve been dealing with this issue for about 7 yrs. God I love You and Marlene… thank you for your obedience and heart.

I was going strong til’ that awkward moment, “Where in the world did that come from… I thought I was over that thing” popped up. Have you ever been there? Well, we can give kudos to our lovely Heavenly Father for those precious moments. God will cause issues to surface that you thought you were freed from just to reveal to you that you truly never let them go. To me, that is awesome because that means He is purifying my soul.

As believers, we have mastered the art of bringing our issues under subjection through acts of discipline. Did you know that a disciplined issue is still an issue? Wow, that is powerful to me. I’m going to sow a seed on that revelation. LOL. Nah, but fah reallie_ discipline is needed (in the deliverance process), but we must not consider it as the final end. We must learn to master the art of giving the issue to God to where it has no part or root in us at all. That my friend is complete deliverance. Here’s a freebie: Subjection is not needed for something that does not have the ability to control. (Think pon’ it)

When God allows these things to surface, just know He is saying, "you have not given it ALL to Me”. I desire for you to be free in ALL things. As for me, my soul got tired of the warfare & dealing with issues that I thought I let go. I got tired of disciplining the issues and trying to keep the issues under subjection, I needed true deliverance. I hated how some things had control over me because I did not want to release them. I recently came to the point of saying: God, You can have this thing. I’m tired of dealing with it. I give it all over to You. However you want to do it, just do it. I do not want this to be something I hold on to for the rest of my life. I give up; I’m tired of fighting You and I let go for real.

Yes, I lost a big part of me and it did not feel too good, but I am honestly okay with that now. Don't let the enemy make you think that losing a part of you is a bad thing because that is what we are aiming for as Christians _to die to ourselves & live the Holy life of Jesus Christ. Man and Woman of God: Count it ALL gain as you die for that is when you will truly live.

My life is now beginning because I am now living. Now, I can say with NOW faith: my latter shall be greater than my past. God will restore what I have lost with something greater. [Complete healing (physically, emotionally, mentally) :: An awesome man of God (my husband) who loves, desires, and respects me with no reservations... he treats me like the woman of God I am :: Overflow in my finances (this is blowing my mind even now) :: Visions for my life that are made manifest and run in full operation :: Basically_ the best is yet to come for me.]

Personal Tip: Thank You God for loving me enough to perfect every single thing that concerns me. I give You glory & You alone for what has taken place in my life. I choose to put no one or anything before You. You are my obligation and You are my God. I refuse to be that in someone else’s life and let them be that in my life.

Exhortation in Truth: Become a master in letting things go. Sometimes we hold on to things that will never profit us anything. Un-forgiveness is one of the biggest things we harbor. Why keep holding on to past things that are not happening now? It’s over, it happened… you cannot go change that moment in time. I know you may want someone to recognize what they did or feel the hurt they caused you. You may keep punishing yourself for what you did to someone or yourself. HELLO! You cannot move forward with in life if you are still in the past. That is a form of bondage. Release/forgive people and be healed. Also, dead relationships are just that, dead. Why do we keep holding on to them when they are not profiting us anything.

I hope we get this: Aged journal issues = bondage. God desires us to be free. Why do we think He will not make good of the things we let go? He will avenge and vindicate us. We must get our minds right and see the truth in what the enemy has distorted. Sometimes you have to release yourself. This was huge for me. God forgave me and I refuse to continue to let myself and others hold me bound to what I did in my past. I repented, apologized, and the now… is what I am living in.

Sometimes we hold on to people that has let us go a long time ago. Wake up call: Why should you be the only one holding on? You are in a relationship by yourself. (Yeah, that’s mad stupid, #imjustsaying_ I been there). I’ve learned a lot about people who really care to be in your life with my best friend and sisters. There are times we almost had each others hats, but in the end… we were determined to maintain our relationship. The BFF is like my sister from the same mother and father, but shorter. LOL. Jk big head, but my point is this _people who want to be in your life will be. That is simple wisdom.

Your past should be a testimony in your present & future life. It should not be your present or future life. HERE THIS: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH GOD. I did not think I could ever be free from some things, but God.. IS ABLE. We just have to let things go and trust in Him! As a reward, we experience freedom, rest for our weary souls, & life inevitable. I love you guys. Below is a video I did last year when I was dealing with some emotional issues. It's a freestyle from the heart joint. Enjoy!

1God-Luff.. 1Faith

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome. We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating.

Monday, June 27, 2011

dat gay talk_ im bold wit it

I was bored so I posed a question on my FB page. I wanted to touch on the topic that a lot of Christians are afraid to address BOLDLY. What are your thoughts about homosexuality and Christianity?

With all the events that have been going on this month and the excess of pictures on my facebook feed… I have had the homosexual community on the mental. The right to marry has been passed in NY, its gay pride month, and just people I know that have decided to take on the lifestyle are the catalyst to my question. I will try to complete this in one post, but honestly.. I do not believe I will be able to. There is so much to touch on when dealing with this topic. As for now, I am going to speak on what flows from the Spirit of God.

If this blog post inspires or blesses you in some way, please feel free to join me on facebook and/or twitter. The links to my pages are on the right sidebar.

NOW: I got some responses to my post, more than I truly expected. Many where detailed with scripture and opinions. I respect each one :). I wanted to reply, but if you KNOW me you would know that I explain my points in hopes to weave out ignorance. A comment would not accommodate the depth of my explanation. Now, to get into my topic… let’s go!

Let me set this up proper. I am not here to judge anyone or say I hate people that walk contrary to God’s will. My hope is to only introduce the truth of God and allow God to do with His word as He pleases. I am not trying to force a lifestyle on anyone. Each person has the CHOICE to live his/her life the way he/she chooses. My only hope is that this blog will bring enlightenment, freedom, and healing to many lost individuals. I speak in love b/c I desire that none be deceived or lost because of ignorance. I want people to be free in God and love the joy of pleasing Him.

With that being said, I want to focus on the initial intent of my post. The intent was to: speak about the SIN of homosexuality; not bash those who are bound in it (I’ve been there).

Often we like to throw the judgment card out when “person A” speaks against a truth that “person B” believes to be true. The judgment word is used more for Christians that speak against things that are contrary to God’s word than it is for those who just disagree based upon secular principles. I am not saying that non-believers do not hear “you are judging me”, but (I believe) it is more dominant when a Christian speaks. Granted, there are some “Christians” that do judge people. I do not deny that fact. I do not approve of it. I myself had to get brought down a notch by God because I was in that category. Even to this day, there are times when God has to tell me to watch myself and check my own Spirit. I do.

Anyways, back to that lovely word_ JUDGMENT. If person A’s truth contradicts person B’s lifestyle… it is likely that person B will say, “You are judging me”. Have you ever considered that a person may not be judging you, but examining the actions that you put forth? A thought!

You know, I use to be afraid to minister in this area because I felt like my witness would be ineffective. Why is that? Because… I use to be a lesbian. Yup, yah girl chased the chick. Here’s the kicker, I did it when I was faithfully serving in church (I quickly sat myself down tho). I backslid and was doing Hodgest. During that time, I still did not justify my actions and say that it was okay. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to do what I wanted to. I began to form this “THOUGHT” that homosexuality will not affect my walk of salvation. God loves me anyway. Well, wrong answer! God still loved me, but I still was walking contrary to HIS truth. I was in danger of being turned over to a reprobate mind. I could have ended up as an apostate. You never know how far a sin can take you. That stuck with me everyday I was doing me, but I chose to ignore the truth that I knew and developed a FALSE HOPE that God would not punish me for my choice. I do not hate gay people. I loveee gay people. They are some of the nicest people you will ever meet and truth be told… many of them just love people for who they are. They are open to accept you. Of course, there are moments where some of them become mad defensive.. but that is because they have been hurt and they never got healed; who has not? I have a heart for homosexuals.. I just want them to be free and the only way to truly be free is through the truth. It is the TRUTH that makes us free. Not laws, boundless parameters, or choice.. it is simply the Truth of God.

Stay wit meh -->

In the beginning of creation, God commanded man and woman to be fruitful and multiply. A man cannot reproduce with another man and a woman cannot reproduce with another woman. In order for conception to occur, there has to be a male and female union. That is the natural order of things. If God created man to function in this sense, wouldn’t He be contradicting Himself if He allowed man to lie with man and woman to lie with woman? To say that God approves homosexuality is to say He is a lie. No matter how you want to justify it or try to make it sound less cutthroat… that is what it is. I am going to post one of my followers comment because I do not feel like typing all this out. LOL.. but she went where I was going.

QUOTE :: In Romans 1:26-27 Paul is very specific, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” In 1 Corinthians 6:9, Paul wrote, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” The Greek word from which the King James Bible gets the word “effeminate” is malakos, which literally means something soft to the touch, but is used as a negative metaphor to refer to a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man. The “abusers of themselves with mankind” are those men who engage in unnatural sexual relations with other men – homosexuals. That is also how the NASB, the NKJV, and the NIV translate that verse. Also in the New Testament is verse 7 from the book of Jude, defining exactly why Sodom and Gomorrah were punished – homosexuality.

I did not say it nor did my FB friend. That is strictly scripture and there is no need to defend it. Swallow it or throw it away. Again, it is your choice to do with God’s word what you will. Aight, next point….

Don’t stop reading … God is trying to bless some people and bring some truth to His doctrine. Next part is on LOVE.

I believe God loves the homosexual just as He loves the faithful Christian. Yes, God still loved me when I was gay. He loved me when I was in my sin. For He tells me so in His word_ While we were yet sinners… Jesus came and He died for us. So, He loved me in spite of that. However…

HOWEVER… He did not let me forget that He is also a JUST God. He DOES NOT accept our sin b/c He loves us. He punishes sin… (The WAGES of sin is death). There IS a penalty that must be paid. Yes, Jesus paid the cost for sin, but shall you continue in sin that grace may abound. GOD FORBIDS. Check out Galatians 6:7-8 :: vs. 7_ Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. -- vs. 8_ For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

See you guys, my mind was becoming twisted (PERVERTED) to the truth of God. God loves me, but there is a penalty that must be paid for my sin. People have to realize that when a REAL Christian (led by God) speaks a word about the sin in their life (bitter or sweet).. it is not to attack the person, rather it is there to confront the SIN. I’m saying this because almost every gay person I kicked it with or met would have the “love me for who I am” motto. If we discussed religion, it was attacked b/c they felt that Christians judged gay people and did not love them because of the beliefs that Christians have on homosexuality. Here is a little truth gay community... be careful that you are not judging Christians b/c that is what happens often... it is subtle and some gay people do not realize it.

Remember my initial intent of this blog? It is to speak about the SIN of homosexuality; not bash those who are bound in it. Welp, peep this -->

I am now at a place that does not like to compromise when it comes to the word of God. Black and white is my mentality. However, I am learning how to love greater, show mercy, and see grace through the eyes of God. When I asked the question, it was not to bash homosexuals. It was to hit the sin. And this is where the problem begins when correction in truth and love is brought forth. Homosexuals come off mad defensive because they have had to defend whom they are for so long (not all, but just speaking in general terms). To my gay people, let the guard down sometimes and listen in wisdom. We can all learn from someone that hates or loves us. Listen and see if the advice is really an attack against you or the act of what you are doing. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE!

I did not discuss other sins that are also contrary to God’s word b/c this is what was on my mental. TRUST ME :: I HAVE NO PROBLEM CALLING OUT OTHER SINS THAT PEOPLE WALK IN. I have no respect of persons when I speak the truth of God. Pastors, teachers, prophets, apostles, evangelists, bishops, deacons, choir directors, ushers, etc…. are NOT exempt from sinful behavior. But I am not discussing them or premarital sex, abortions, greed, whoring, etc. I have discussed that previously in other blogs or in simple ministry. So, I am putting this out there so that my FB friends will not think that I am targeting homosexuality only and that I am not a person that speaks truth in other sins. If you KNOW me… you already…

Now, back to Hodgest (me).. when I was involved with women, I had to really let go of my stubbornness and pride. I had to die to Yolanda and allow God to be who He was in me. After all, I did claim I was saved. I had to start acting like it and stop thinking it. (catch it)! You have to line up to God's word when you are truly saved. NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. So, I began to seek God and I HAD TO repent - TURN FROM WHAT I WAS DOING B/C IT WAS CONTRARY TO GOD’S WORD and He began to deal with me. Here is a snippet of what God showed me.

Yolanda, you claim that you are my daughter. In order for this to hold true, you would have had to accept my Son Jesus Christ as your Savior. It is only by Him that we can become the children of God. Now, my Son does not do anything that is contrary to my Word …. for He is the Word. He is truth b/c He corresponds to Himself. (catch it). So, for you to say that you are born again with my Son’s seed… how is it that you can justify your actions that are totally contrary to my Word. How can you continue to live in a lifestyle contrary to my word…… comfortably…. and think that my Son is in it? You are in delusion. You are not walking in my truth. You are walking in a truth that you have deemed to be true. Because my truth (Jesus, the Word) only does what my word says.

You need to repent OR I will turn you over to a reprobate mind. What is reprobate? I want to expound on this a little. Reprobate - to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil. To foreordain to damnation … to refuse to accept. Hmmm… God said he would turn me over to an evil mind; a mind that would refuse to accept His ways/truth… even, after I got saved! Ponder on that... so, I thought_ I better start walking in the truth because I cannot afford to be foreordained to damnation because I wanted to please my flesh (my body appetites, mindset, soul) and deny God.

People, God loves holiness and He loves His people but if we choose to live outside of Him… WE CHOOSE to be in danger of damnation. Quite blaming God for your choices. #getyourmindright! <--(my favorite hashtag..hehe). Anyway, did you not know that hell was not created for mankind? It was created for satan and his fallen angels because they did not want anything to do with God. It was created to send those there that did not want anything to do with Him. If we deny Him in our lives (if we are not living the life of Christ) .. Okay God,,, I'll repeat that ::: but if we deny Him in our lives (if we are not living the life of Christ).. WE CHOOSE to go there because we didn’t want to have anything to do with Him. Like, are we sooo dense as a people that we believe God will allow any and everything in Heaven? If you do not want anything to do with Him now, what makes you think your eternity will be with Him? Those are simple questions you can ponder on. Bottom line, God is a just God.. put that in your mental.

With all means_ See God as a God of love, but you better take a mental note that He is also a just God.

Almost done… \O/

I know God forgives and restores. He is full of mercy and grace; thank you Jesus. But that does not give us the permit to LIVE in sin without trying to die to it. Again, I am not saying every man is perfect, every man falls short of the Glory of God… everyday. However, the difference between those that belong to Christ is that he/she seeks to live according to God’s word and this means that he/she will let go of the things that are contrary to God’s will. That is the heart that God is after. A heart that is sensitive and responsive to HIS touch, not our own or someone else’s beliefs.. but His Spirit, His Word.

True, God sees the heart of man. There are drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals, murders, etc.. that has better relationships with God than some Christians. Salvation is worked on everyday. Note: it is not by works, but we work out our salvation through fear and trembling. I do not weave out the homosexuals, addicts, or etc. I never know what God is doing in a person. That is why I do not approach people with their sin unless God instructs me to. If God shows it to me, I will take them to the threshing floor. I will pray for their souls. Salvation is of the Lord’s, not Hodgest. Rather you are saved or not is something that you and God know. Others may get the confirmation that you are, but in the end… it is ALL God’s say so.

MY BESTIE COMMENT HIT IT BEST.. but I am not going to type all of that out. You can go read it if you desire. I am about to close this out.

Exhortation in Truth: Be careful with these words: God knows my heart. <--- That is a dangerous statement right there. Yes, God does know the heart.. God does and WE DO NOT. The heart is deceitfully wicked above all things and WHO can know it? The Lord searches the heart and reveals things to us about ourselves that we don’t even know. So, my encouragement to those reading this… seek God with ALL your heart and let Him show you what is acceptable in His sight. If the lifestyle we live is contrary to what He stands for, maybe it is safe to say that we haven’t sought Him out enough. As a living testimony, when you seek Him.. you will FIND Him… and in your finding, you will see what is not Him.

If you love someone, you desire to please them and you practically give yourself away for that person. It is the same with God… if you love Him, give yourself to Him, and please Him. Not Yolanda, not yourself, not your pastors, your family… but seek to please God. I am an EX-LESBIAN... that is NOW my pride... with humility. The truth of God has been revealed to me, not by man… but through my relationship with Him. I sought Him and He showed me my heart and He showed me who He was. I had to get rid of some things and get healed from some past hurts. I love God and now my desire is to please Him. I just want homosexuals to see God in His truth. I want fornicators, murders, gossipers, etc.. to see God in His truth. I want God’s people to be free FOR REAL.

Quick Thought: Some homosexuals believe we do not accept them because of what they do and in turn... they interpret it as: we do not accept them for who they are. Hmmm? Here is a question to the gay person: Should we accept the acts of a murderer, a molester, a rapist, abuser, and etc.? Should we accept their actions b/c that is just who they are? They too (some) argue that they were born that way and that is just who they are. NO!.. We do not have to accept the actions of these people, but we do have to love them. People must understand: Just because I disagree with your actions does not mean I hate you. I love all these people and I have to pray for them. I came from something; I was not saved all my life. I know what it is like to be in darkness and enjoy it in ignorance. But someone took the time to share the word of God with me and pray for me. In spite of what I was doing and who I was… they looked beyond that and saw my need for a Savior. They spoke truth to me and they confronted my sin. It was really bitter at first, but it is sooo sweet to me now. They loved me because they wanted to see me live beyond bondage and experience what true love is... Jesus! This is my heart’s cry for those who are lost and/or bound.
God loves His people and so do I. I love homosexuals, but I do not love their sin. I love sinners, but I do not love their sin. I love Christians, but I do not love their sin. I love me some Yolanda Hodgest, but I do not love my sin. We must not get it twisted. There is a fine line between loving a person and loving their sins. I will talk to you if you are gay and love you in spite of your choice of lifestyle. I will try to be a good associate to you, but I will not justify your choice of actions when they contradict the truth that I know. I hold this standard to myself. When I am disobedient to what God says, there is no excuse for it. It is wrong, period.

Ending: Every Saint has been brought from something and every one will have a moment of disobedience in their Christian walk. If you are saved (or not) and you need deliverance, cry out to God and ask Him to deliver you from the things that displease Him. If you are still breathing, you still have a chance to get things right. That is what Jesus came for. That is the love of God. WAKE UP CALL: Everyday is a day closer to your death. We all are going to die. How much time do you honestly think you have to get it right? I encourage you to: KNOW WHAT GOD REQUIRES OF YOU TO ENTER INTO AN ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM. Do not be ashamed of who you are, just hate the part of you that God hates or ask Him for the heart to start. I was there…. But God!! He has raised me up and placed me back into rightful standing with Him. I am cheering for you if you are ready to make salvation happen and praying for those who are in the process of deliverance and I am travailing for those who need healing. Need help, hit me up. :::: To those of you who are afraid to approach this topic… just give God’s word in love and overlook the person you are speaking to, but see the spirit you must hit. Be bold with God’s word; we cannot afford to be timid in this hour.

God will accept you as you are, even now. Just seek Him and cry out for TRUE SALVATION.

In love – Yolanda Hodgest

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DDoouubbllee standard

Today, I posed a question on my facebook. The question, “Do Christians hold a double standard in regards to music vs. movies”. Well, here is my viewpoint. Feel free to comment on this.

One of the responses I received was, “now that’s kinda hard to answerr cuhz to me : music has a greater impact then movies ; but then again that seed they dropped in that movie can eventually grow on u”. I want to blog off of this reply mainly.

As this is an opinionated topic, I cannot say that this follower’s response is right or wrong. I choose this reply because it fits my question perfectly (double standards). In my opinion, I believe movies hold a major impact on us just as music does. Both forms of entertainment will minister to you rather it is good or bad. To me, movies are more cunning in the way that they minister. They are subtle because they are seen in a fiction perspective; i.e. we don’t see the movie as a real time & life event, but a script that is brought to life through actors/actresses. In regards to music, we tend to see the songs as real time & life events. In other words, we are quicker to believe the artist because they are not acting out a script, but they are portraying a lifestyle they live. (Of course, we know that this is a lie because they don’t really sing/rap about the truth half of the time). But many individuals do not understand that concept so when they hear a song, they receive the artists for what they say because it’s not a script and the artists does not act out albums. I hope I didn’t confuse you right there.

Anyway, back to the movie thingy. Movies really captivate the emotions of man; it pulls us in as we are entertained. Yes, I know that music does too but I think movies minister to our emotions in a broader span. Our whole beings are attentive to what is in front of us when we are watching a movie. You can listen to a song and just feel the beat and could care less about the words, but it’s hard to watch a movie and only hear the music behind it. I will be referring to movies, tv, videos, etc. as visual media from this point on. Cool? Cool.

Visual media these days carry everything that is against Holiness. Let’s just keep it 100. Marriage is not sacred anymore in visual media. Sex before marriage is part of a normal life in visual media. Murder, witchcraft, homosexuality, etc. are all elements that visual media portrays these days. So, how does that affect the Christian? Well, it depends on the Christian. If a Saint has an in depth relationship with God, more than likely conviction will present itself as the Holy Spirit tells him/her not to watch that or listen to that. If a Saint has a shallow relationship with God, chances are he/she will not hear God saying, uhn uh.. don’t watch/listen to that nor will he/she be convicted.

The devil is mad cunning. Here, I will use me for an example. I love the movie “Get Him To The Greek”… that movie is odee funny, but it is far from Godly in every aspect. Well, here is what my conversation with myself, God, and the devil went like. Let’s go..

Friend: have u seen get him to the greek? (seed planted)
Me: nah, that sounds crazy stupid!
Friend: its hella funny. Yo, u gotta watch it.
Me: neh.. (I started thinking about it).. (seed watered)……..  Time passes then I decided to go watch the trailer.
devil: you know u should watch it, its seems funny
Me: hmm, maybe i should.. I will
God: uhn uh.. that is not good.
Me: ah, it’s just a movie; it’s a comedy; I know I'm saved, God wants us to LIVE. Lol. it isn’t real, (fiction perspective I spoke of earlier).

I watched the movie.. not once, but 2 or 3, maybe 4 times. Lol, jk. I watched it 2x. Here is my point: I don’t smoke weed, but I was hype about the Jeffrey. I was endorsing that in my convos son! I don’t dig diddy, but I was feeling the part when he was talking about mind eff’n you. I didn’t go around saying it, but I definitely put it on rewind b/c it was funny to me & i couldn't say it. There is more, but the point I am making is that my Spirit was grieved. Here I am letting this nonsense come into my being and I allowed it to irritate the Holy Spirit. Not only that, I deliberately disobeyed God when He said, uhn uh.. that is not good..I don’t care if it is just a comedy. 

Here it is: ITS NOT JUST A MOVIE… EVERYTHING MINISTERS. We must be wise in what we allow into our Spirits. It is okay to watch movies and vibe to music, but when we watch & listen to media.. we must do it in obedience to God’s voice.. He says “In ALL Thy ways ACKNOWLDEGE ME and "I" WILL DIRECT your paths”. Not some of our ways, but ALL. Last point ahead…

We preach/minister often about not listening to secular music that is mad lewd and does not glorify God, but how often do we turn this on ourselves when it comes to visual media. By principle.. if we say don’t listen to Jay-Z because he dogs God or don’t listen to Nikki Minaj because she’s all about sex… then in the same sense.. we should not watch movies/television that has actors/actresses that do the same thing. If they (illuminati, the world of hip-hop these days) are glorifying something else… then why is it okay for us to watch tom cruise, seth green, angelina jolie, or will smith movies? (Dunno if will smith dropped the scientology thing). Plus, oprah and ellen when it comes to tv shows? There are sooo many more people I can name. I am in no way justifying why we should be able to listen to any and everything. I just had a thought that hit me today. Again, opinionated!

I believe that God wants us to be enlighten about everything that goes into our souls. We should be aware of what can and WILL minister to our Spirit,,, even if it’s simple entertainment. I know that some preachers minister about being careful in what we allow into our eye gate and ears. But honestly, I have not seen a great emphasis in preaching on actors/actresses in visual media as I have seen on the music industry. I wonder why that is? Could it be something that we overlook because of justification? Check this..

I had this talk with a co-worker on my break today at work and she said that “music has more options for Christians than movies”.. meaning, it’s more available. For example, when it comes to Christian music you have all types of genres and avenues: such as jazz, rap, singing, concerts, videos, etc. On the contrary, the visual media for Christian entertainment is somewhat limited. She said there are a few movies that one can watch and not many sitcoms on television that give good entertainment. (um, church sermons don’t count). I feel shorty on that because it is very true, but that does not make it okay to partake in other things that God says we should not partake in. I believe God is saying.. How willing are you to give up something that will contaminate your Spirit… even if it entertains you? God gives us things to enjoy, but we must be careful that we are not enjoying things that were not given by Him. Key words: GOD GIVES…us things to enjoy. Just a thought.

I believe we can find entertainment in things that do not glorify God and not endorse it (shalon). I believe that we can find humor in things that do not glorify God and not endorse it. The truth is there are things that will cause us to laugh even if it is not Holy. Sometimes, you just laugh because it was funny to you and there will be times when you enjoy watching athletes/artists/actors perform because they are good at what they do. You can appreciate the art of their skills. However, that does not mean I agree with who they serve. I believe if we are truly walking in God, He will let us know what we can watch and what we can listen to. Just because there is a lack of visual media for the Saints does not mean we are “justified” to watch whatever. Pick up the word and read more, become a producer and produce Christian films, become a theatre producer and make plays, create Christian video games, create your own sitcom about Godly living, etc. I hope you get the point. Maybe God is saying, “I have given you power to create because I live in you”. Create avenues that will help keep my people (through God’s Spirit) focused and uncontaminated.

Exhortation in Truth: We as Christians must understand principles. We must live by principles and not just situations. Situational living will cause us to adapt to situations as they come, but no solid foundation will remain if we don’t operate in principles. I am not saying ignore situational living because it is imperative that we change, but we must change the right things. While we change it is crucial that we understand the importance that some things need to remain constant. God knows what will cause your (His) Spirit to be irritated or grieved. Music, movies, people, etc.. should be enjoyed with the direction of the Holy Ghost. The next time I speak to someone about listening to Jay-Z, I will make sure I have this same talk with myself about what I watch. Going through the DVD collection now.. oouchh !!! ouch, because there are some movies I just don’t want to get rid of, but I must obey God even in this. As said previously.. EVERYTHING ministers. 

So, now that God is cleaning my DVD collection out just as He cleaned my music collection out… I must thank Him for bringing me into the knowledge of something so simple (to mankind). I have been putting “ME” on the altar to die and that means, more of JESUS CHRIST and less of me. I know that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out.. BUT what goes into a man can grieve the Holy Ghost. How can I minister and be effective when the very Spirit of God in me is grieved. In order to be effective in all we do, we must remove every weight that would easily beset us and every distraction that will hinder the move of God. Again, all this is my opinion of the matter. 

My last thoughts: we talk about giving up stuff for Christ, but do we honestly give up what we love? Do we TRULY know what it means to sacrifice? Do we give God an Abel sacrifice or a Cain sacrifice? Last time I checked, a sacrifice was something that was killed. There was no pleasure for the thing being sacrificed. Here’s a definition that I love.. Sacrifice_ a surrender of something for the sake of something else. My God.. That alone will make me say My God… LOL.. Are we truly killing our flesh so that we may please God in all of our ways? 

To end, do you hold a double standard when it comes to the things you enjoy.. by means of justification? - Selah


The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


AHHH! ponytails, ponchos, cancans, sally jessie raphael glasses and those stupid patent leather shoes my mother use to make me wear_ grrrrr!! oh, how i remember the bitter-sweetness of having to wear those things. oh yeahh, i definitely remember those days. in fact, i remember it like it was….. 22 yrs ago. lol. the things parents do to kids, smh… i LML.

i was the child that would be in the back of the house talking to my imaginary friend(s) while everyone else was in the front watching tv. i say friend(s) because if one of them made me mad… i would dismiss him/her for a minute and i would be left with one. anyway, i knew i was very different when i would run to the front of the house to watch the commercials while everyone else would get up to get food or drinks during the commercial breaks. i didn’t watch tv much, but i loved me some commercials (jello w/ bill was my fav). i just giggled. pssttt, here’s a lil something on yah girl.. i use to tilt my head to the side & cock my eyes and watch tv out the corner of them.. hahaha.. lets just say i looked odee confused; slow/crazy is such an un-cool word. lol. jk.

but i was known for being solo. very rarely would i venture with other kids unless i was doing some freaky stuff.. as time kept moving, i grew up and begin to have a desire to have friends. this transition began to happen when i hit jr. high. -____- . for the first time, i was about to experience a predominant black school. my other schools were probably 2% black population. why did i throw that info in there? because, i adapted to not being accepted in my former schools and i figured that: finally, people who are just like me… easy acceptance. WRONG ANSWER !!! those ninjas made it way harder for me, but nonetheless i adapted to that environment.

this time my adaption was not done in an introverted manner like before. i had to get like them ninjas or get got. that is what i thought back then. but no matter what I did, I still had problems with rejection. i may have shadowed the popular crowd, but i really wasn’t in it. shoot, all along i knew i was this cool girl, but no one could see it. no one took the time to notice because i did not look or act like him or her. i just wanted them ninjas to see what i could offer them, but they never stopped to recognize it.

im doing this in story format so you can stay interested in where i am going. if you are tired of reading… take a break and come back to it. i will minister in this blog eventually.

now, if you are still reading… ipray that God will bless you with what you are about to read. ipray that it will make some of you free and bring understanding to those who need it. amen.

ok, so… i go to high school & i have acquired a little status. i was not popular with the dudes though. FAR FROM IT…but i dated this one cat . now, this dude was what would make you say, “what was i thinking” when you would reminisce about your past. he was nice, but he showed his tail.. he was NOT my type, but i settled for him b/c i wanted to experience the hype of having a boyfriend and going to the movies… that stuff. but here is the problem, i wanted the jock, but i got the… “huh? boyfriend”. i am not tryna dog dude, im just setting up my point.

and here it is…. let’s go! this one is a thinker & it is only the surface of what i got in me to give out..

in growing up in life, one of the greatest things we search for is validation and confirmation once validation is given. to make it simple, we want proof that we are worth something and that we are important. once we have discovered this we often desire feedback from others to help prove what we have validated is true. i hope i did not lose you right there.

the thing about wanting validation is that it stems from not knowing your purpose OR knowing your purpose and not knowing the depth of impact you have in it. the danger in this is that it creates an opportunity for you to conform to what others say about you and you in the end will never come into the knowledge of who you TRULY are. you become the vain whispers of other individuals’ thoughts. (wow.. i like dat, lol.) sorry, im just typing as i think. other individuals’ thoughts are just that, thoughts that are not concrete in substance. many of us are living out our lives in this character that has no solid substance because we are other peoples’ imaginations.

i knew i was different from as early as i could remember. i noticed that i did not fit the norm. yes, i know, anyone can say this because we all have felt this way. but i felt like a misfit in the misfits. lol. nah, but truth is.. we are supposed to feel this way because God created us as individuals. we are original and being duplicates was not His intentions. as we come into ourselves, we seek to find whom we are. as children… we are so receptive to things and what people say.

when i was young, i believed that if i acted like them then they in turn could help me identify my importance and myself because they accepted what i had to offer. i felt like - accepting what I had to offer meant i was significant, but the problem was in this: what i had to offer was not me.. it was their thoughts about how i should act/look. (keep in mind that i was conforming to who they thought i should be) so, i continued to struggle with “WHO AM I” even when people began to accept them in me (catch that).

i wanted to know that the girl who watched commercials was significant. i wanted someone to show me that being “weird” was relevant and it had its place in the world. i wanted to hear that being a nerd was acceptable or being dark skinned was fresh. what i wanted was for someone to tell me… who i was.…....was exactly who i am. mahn, smhhhh… i hope you guys are really catching this. THINK ON WHAT I JUST SAID.

instead, i got this… who you are… is not “right”. so, i began to cultivate this mindset that said… someone else has to show me who i am because that is right. let me go to the boyfriend part i spoke of earlier.

i had mad low self-esteem. i did not believe anyone who looked good would want me. i believed that i had to date someone that was busted and someone that could not offer me anything because that is what i deserved. i thought i deserved that because… what i had to offer as myself (as Yolanda) was not good enough for THEM. them – the individuals that wanted me to offer them… them… in me. ok, umm… let me try to make it plain. they did not want who i was, they wanted who they wanted me to be. i hope you caught it… thinking, i should have video blogged this one, but i have typed too much already.. bare with me people. i’ll speed it up.

for the last 5 years… i have murmured and complained about having a mentor in my life that would teach me and instruct me in how to walk out my purpose. i got real mad at God when i saw other people getting these midwives that would help birth them out in the spirit. they would get these “this is your call” prophecies. every prophetic word i got was healing. everyone else would get these great purpose prophecies. i was hottt at my Father. i did not understand it. i was trying to figure out who i was and what i had to offer in this world. it was like, no one sees anything in me.. am i meant to be insignificant and just a body that breathes until breathe is gone? why did You create me to be nothing? i was buggin, but that is real talk right der.

what began to happen was a resurfacing of my past and acceptance issues. the spirit of rejection really began to minister to me at that point. i did not care anymore because i was like, i am trying to accept being who i am but You won’t even confirm that for me God. where You at? i said it with a grand attitude too, i got rebuked.. but that is where i was. i could not shake that spirit for 5 years.....5 years. but Glory to God… i am FREE FROM THAT THANG!! I DON’T SAY IT LIGHTLY. that spirit takes you to depths of hopelessness, lifeless purpose, deep rebellion, etc.. but that is another lesson & i am not going to get on that in this blog.

back to my point, i was seeing those who i prayed with get confirmation on their calls. i saw people that would take them in and nurture their spirits and birth them into dimensions.. while i was STILL alone in birthing myself. eventually, some people came along to labor in my life but for some reason…God would move them out of my life just as i began to think.. cool, i got someone to help me now..

i wanted someone to see something in me and pull it out of me. i wanted them to validate the call God placed on my life. i wanted to make sure that it was acceptable because man could see it. as you can see the cycle never was broken.

from ponytails to being a woman of God… i was still in this cycle of identity crisis. the ministry follows.. lets go!

God spoke to me and told me that too often we expect others to bring us into our purpose. we expect pastors, leaders, mentors, prophets, etc. to show us what we are supposed to be doing and who we are in the Body of Christ. we want our confirmation from a prophecy or a “word”. the ironic thing is: i have heard many words given to others and me that were not from God, but yet i was still seeking for MAN to give me a word. who is man, like really.. who is he?

i asked God calmly this time, “why do You send people my way to labor in my life and then You remove them in a matter of days? why will You not allow someone to be a mentor in my life?”

He answered me calmly… because, I have to break this cycle you have been in bondage with since you were little. I moved them on purpose. I want you to know who you are because I told you. I want you to know your importance in the world because I showed you. I want YOU to come after me, not a prophecy… that moved you. (come on somebody). I want you to touch Me, not someone else’s motivation that you moved on. you are in a dimension where I want you to know how to COME GET IT. I have given you everything you need in this life, but you need to know how to GO GET IT. you are expecting natural forces to bring you your supernatural stuff. (mahn, crucial). you need to know who you are. because you have allowed others to tell you that for so long… I want to make sure that when you find out, you know it is not them, but it is I, your Maker, who has identified you.

you want a prophecy Yolanda? seek My face. you want a word Yolanda? learn my word and get in My face. you want to know the depth of your purpose, get on the floor. (i wish you could feel what i just felt). it is only by My Spirit that people go to deeper dimensions, not by a midwife. i will elevate you and take you from Glory to Glory. yea, I will do these things. I appeared to you in a vision, shall I not perform it?

I am deleting THEM from you. I am shaping you. your acceptance must come from Me. your validation must come from Me. if I approve you, then no man can disapprove you. if I validate your purpose, no man can say you are vain. if I give it to you… then no one can take it away. I do not want you to have a compromising Spirit, get in My face. I am Holy and that is what you are to be, nothing less. you take on my image, you avoid the image of man.

it is true… I give you apostles, prophets, preachers, teachers, and evangelists to help edify you. but I did not give them to tell you… who you are. that is My place.

you have been rejected for who you are, I know.. but I AM here to deliver you from that spirit and heal you. if you find yourself in Me, you will see that you are My Son... and from this day when you are rejected.. they will not reject you, but it will be Me that they reject. FOR.. I took your place. I took your life and exchanged it for Mine. OMG, i can stop right here.. to live is Christ and to die is gain. i gain His peace, righteousness, i gain HIM.. i dont have to worry about rejection no more because im crucified with Christ, nevertheless i live,, yet not i, but it is the Christ that lives in me.... how can you not love Him.. He took my place in ALL things... Hallelujah !!!  Thank You Jesus..

you guys.. it is soooo much God has given me and i could go on, but i will stop here cuz im getting jacked up over hea.

Exhortation in Truth: many of us do not have the privilege of having solid spiritual mentors in our lives. for those of you that do, DO NOT take it for granted because it truly is a privilege. for those of you that do not have that discipleship, it is also a privilege. DO NOT take it as a negative thing. consider it an opportunity to seek the face of God more. realize that what you learn and obtain is strictly from God. began to see God when you don't see Him. He is always present. the Holyghost is the teacher of all things. God is the revealer of all things. who taught Jesus He was a High Priest? who imparted truth in His Spirit that He was the Son of the Living God? who revealed to Him the depth of His purpose even in the Garden of Gethsemane? God, His Father.

it came because He was in His face. no man could tell Him He was The Great Prophet or the Messiah. He already knew that from where He came from.

seek God for yourselves and quit expecting man to take you to your next dimension or confirm whom you are. God will bring the confirmation in due season. you have to find Him yourself and allow Him to show you who you are and what you are supposed to be doing. therefore, when someone comes along to tell you that "God said you are......" you can try that spirit. you will be able to receive the truth or reject a lie. seeking God for yourself will establish an authentic call and not a “THEM” call. i am not saying others cannot help along the way and confirm what God has already told you, but God wants YOU to COME GET HIM, not an influence. with that being said… GO GET HIM !!

1God-1Luff-1Faith ...   

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

me & oh' abe

oh boi, do i feel like abraham with a collab of david? geesh! this post will be a small piece of what is on my heart. i am in this season where i am following God and i have no idea of what is going on. i have a vision of where i am going, but the process or journey has baffled me. i have been perplexed before in this walk, but this is something on a whole new level. i heard you say, "this will be a year of great faith", but God... i didn't know You was going to present it to me like this. every facet of my life is being challenged. and i mean every single one. if you are a rational or practical person, you would probably feel me on this. 

i feel like abe because of the journey im walking to get to where God showed me. i know i am not the only one, but just blogging, this may bless some of you in this season of Faith. anyway, when abraham was called, he obeyed God by going out to a place that he was to receive for an inheritance and he knew not where he was going. but that is not the part of the journey that got me baffled, it’s this part. let's go...

abraham did not have practical faith, humanly speaking. he had blind faith where he just got up, left everything, and trusted God to bring him into this land of great inheritance. im going off of hebrews 11. 8-10. so, because he obeyed God you would think that he would inherit a lot of material possessions and a lot of land. well peep this.. he did not. he dwelt as a stranger IN the promise land... (vs. 9: By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise) hmmm? 

so, you telling me he was a stranger in the land that was promised him? yup. but check this.. i believe it was by choice that he did not own any of it. i say this b/c of vs. 10 (for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God). to the practical mind, the inheritance would be the buildings, the land, the dominion, the politics, etc.. but remember, abraham did not have this practical faith. oh abe was looking at the spiritual promises of God and not the earthly rewards. 

so, how does this tie in to me? well, i feel like i am in a place where i am an alien in my current land. this includes my church, social life, corporate life, etc. it is a place where i can see the evidence of the promise land, but i cannot partake in it. this is hard to explain. there is something greater that i must live for and fix my eyes on. i'll try to explain how i feel..... 

picture this, sicily 1922.. ikidd. ok, picture a 6 figure job, perfect health, great social status/influence, a flawless home, resources or connections for anything, etc... now, picture all of this on a table before you. now, just look at it because you can't touch it... but here's the twist, this is your stuff.

meanwhile, if you turn around there is a table that has these elements: a vision in literature, a gift card to home depot, a list of phone #s and addresses of people that do not know you... now, this is the table that the Holy Spirit tells you to gather your things from.

now my ninjas, you already.... that's all i'm going to say on that. LOL.

so many times we see people obtain things with great ease. we are in this era where everything must come to us promptly. we want to see what we are investing our lives (self, money, time, etc.) into. we don't exercise authentic faith, but practical faith. i feel the promises of God all around me and there are some things that i have to decline, even if it will bring me great earthly gain. 

b/c i have my eyes on spiritual blessings, i have this crucial war going on in mind because it tends to rationalize everything. have you ever noticed when you walk in faith that everything seems to manifest for everyone around, except you? or, you can obtain the same things but God says no... not yet? this is where i am. 

the purpose for table 1 & 2: table 1 has everything you would want. table 2 has everything you need. table 1 shows you tangible & finished products. but lo.. table 2 does too but you just can't see it YET. see, on table 2 there is a vision provided. the gift card to home depot is for you to buy the necessary materials to build your home. the list of people is for you to labor and make an impact in their lives. see, you have the list.. they do not know you.

God was telling me that He has given me a vision. He knows what tools to use to bring it to pass. He knows who i need to connect with to accomplish the vision He has for me. there will be hard labor and though i cannot see the final product, i know that i have everything i need to make it tangible. the people He set before me are not just there.. He has strategically allowed me to meet people. they are not irrelevant people that the enemy throws in my way... remember, God gave the list of people.. if i choose to add to it or allow others to add to it.. then that becomes my problem because my associations would be pointless. 

the problem with table 1 lies here: it is a job that is not part of God's vision. the home is of another man's vision. social influence is cool, but when you are connected to the wrong people in your life.. your destiny will be put on hold. there is no work for table one. therefore, a lack of faith is more subject to reside. Faith without works is dead. i see table 1, but i cannot partake of it because i am led by the Spirit and obedient to God, i will continue to work so that the vision given me will be presented like it is supposed to. 

exhortation in truth: truth is, i want to cry sometimes because i want things to just fall in my lap. i wonder how much longer i got till some of my desires come to pass. but, i choose to trust God and use what He has provided for me. my career, social life, etc. should not usurp my vision of spiritual blessings. the wisdom i have gained, the knowledge i have obtained, the backbone of me that has been strengthen, the no compromise mentality that has been developed, and i could go on and on... are things that i have and are continuing to inherit in this land of promise around me. 

be like abraham in faith.... keep your eyes fixed on the spiritual blessing. physical elements does not denote prosperity or blessings. he knew that His reward was to dwell in the presence of God.. heb. 11:10. even if  you do not understand what  you are doing and you feel like you are really laboring... keep doing so.. though the vision may tarry.. wait for it because it will surely come to pass (if God gave it).

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.