Monday, January 17, 2011

Adam, Where Art Thou?!

WARNING: im not an itching ear preacher. the message is for the TRUE body! 

yo. this note is from the last post i did. i just wanted to explain some things. a short comment would not suffice my mind translation, ya dig? the post was about people going from "it's complicated to being "single" - there are comments if you want to read them. what moved me to write this was the question about, what is wrong with the guys today? to some extent, i do believe it was rhetorical, but i believe a lot of people are ignorant to the true things of God. so, this is why i am going here. in no way am i targeting the person who asked the question, it is to awaken the Saints of God and hopefully bring forth personal convictions that will steer us into Holiness. lets get it den: 

from the beginning of creation to now, mankind has had the ability to live a life with God and a life seperate from God. before oh Adam boy decided to eat from the tree, all was peachy. the choice of life was not "as" complicated as it was after the death occured. focus: the choice, one of the greatest gifts of God. 

the generations that are present today lack the evidence of the true WORKING POWER of God. NOTE: not all people suit this statement, but a mass majority do. the power of God gives us power over "ALL' the power of the enemy. its not just the guys that are whack these days, but the woman are too! we blame a lot on men for doing women wrong, but yet our women do not know there value and they allow it. the blame is on both ends. i once heard a great teacher say,"what you allow, you teach". Saints, this is so true. if i allow you to cheat on me with other women and settle for it because you call me your "bottom B*%#@".. then you are teaching that individual it is okay for you to do what you are doing to me. if you leave that girl/dude, due to his/her actions, then he/she will understand: nah, i cant do this one like that. 

but this is where the problem comes in. a lot of us do not know the power we posses. we do not know how it works. all we know is that God is in us. dudes and dudettes, do u realize the depth of that statement? if God is in us, we should be able to live Holy lives or atleast have an honest pursuit for it. we would understand the virtue of the Spirit and not allow IT to be treated any kind of way. we dont have to be addicted to sex, drugs, foul language, etc. we dont have to stay in bondage when it comes to soul ties, low self esteem, hatred, gluttony, etc. God has provided everything we need to overcome bondages and the cares of this world. but that is the problem, we would rather indulge in the world and not KILL OUR FLESH. 

Flesh: OUR desires, OUR will, OUR intellect, OUR emotions, you get da point? we want what we want. we dont want to live single, chaste lives until God brings our husbands/wives. we dont want to forgive him/her for what they did to us because we feel like we have the right to not forgive him/her. (who are we to not forgive, God forgives us daily). we dont want to give up the candy, food, and/or drinks to live a life of fasting. (some Saints probably aint never went on a fast). we dont want to give up our image just to be seen as a Jesus freak; we would rather try to get our egos stroked for dating him/her or hittin dat. its real! we dont want to live monogamous with our husbands/wives because we want to please OUR flesh, we dont want to work on it because it would require to much effort. 

forget the standards of God, Holy Living.. God knows im human. the excuse we need to quit using. we dont want to DIE that CHRIST can live. this means: we gotta keep the goodies in the jar when they screaming at us to get handled. this means: i cant cuss at you because you upset me. this means: i gotta love you inspite of how you used me and treated me. this means: i gotta pray and read my word daily. this means: i need to know the word of God like i know that jay-z or pretty ricky song. this means: i will let go of him/her even if they are a type of security to me (when God has called you from him/her). this means: DIE... I CANT KEEP DOING WHAT PLEASES MY FLESH, i gotta crucify my flesh and TAKE UP MY CROSS AND FOLLOW GOD!! 

yes God knows we are human. shoot, ask adam. lol. he was human when he ate that fruit, but guess what? ADAM STRAIGHT DIED. hmmm? still wanna keep using that excuse for making the wrong decisions? anyway, adam didnt have to eat that nice, juicy fruit. lol. but he choose to and his choice resulted in death, both spiritually and physically. we all gotta die and we were all dead spiritually, but Christ quickened us. read it - Eph 2. 

the spirit of God has the power to keep us from sin, IF we choose to walk in it. Romans 8 - read it. Saints, if we claim to be saved, this means we have the very Spirit of God in us. should we be living our lives the way we are living? are we truly in Christ and Him in us? there are some things you just cant do when we take on the Spirit of God. Jesus didnt grow up fornicating, drinking, hating, over eating, cursing, etc.. He grew up with a knowing of who He was - The very Spirit of God. He re-presented God and you knew it. so what if you will be called a square or lose all ya homies? there is a price that we do pay when we get saved. dont get it twisted Saints. 

Last point: God asked adam, "adam, where art thou?" God knew, He's omnipresent! the question was presented to bring awareness to adam that he was no longer in Him. when adam fell, he separated himself from God. God didnt separate, adam died. God is alive and always will be. my point: make sure that our decisions are keeping us in God and not causing us to revert to the 1st adam (the dead man). ARE OUR LIVES SO DIFFERENT FROM THE VERY SPIRIT (nature) OF GOD that he would HAVE TO ASK US: ADAM WHERE ART THOU? 

our separation should be from the world Body, not God. why do we look like the world and walk in the 1st adam so much? BE YE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY... that is what the God who lives on the inside of us says. So, is He truly in us? Hmmm? 

this is how we sharpen one another. feel free to provide feedback. negative or positive. 

-- 1God-1Luff -1Faith

The plan of salvation is available (always) if you want to be saved; it is at the top of this page. If you want Jesus to be THE Lord of your life, pray it with sincerity and allow God to change your life and build your morals in Truth. Prayer request are always welcome! We are here to set the captive free through His grace. God Bless You All and please respond. Fellowship is awesome, not debating. LOL.